Monday, December 18, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
So Much To Plan
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Short. Attention. Span.
Now I'm staying in a hotel convenient for business travelers like myself and I think they have developed their marketing campaign for people exactly like me. Everything, and I do mean everything is broken down to a few words and a period - beginning at the door:
we're happy you are here.
enjoy your stay.
some like it hot.
some like it cold.
check out the new Hampton bed.
freshen please.
thought pad.
pillows by hampton. firm.
clean your face.
clean your body.
vanity kit.
As I look around the other bathroom products, my eyes land on my new hair gel. In one place where I'm not distracted by conversations, IM, emails and the phone - the bathroom - I can look over at this one bottle which reads:
Curl Conscious Curl Conscious.
Curl Creme Curl Creme Curl
Creme a Boucles Creme a Boucles Cre
For Fine to Medium Hair For Fine to Medium Hair For Fine to Medium
Cheveux Fins a Moyens Cheveux Fins a Moyens Cheve
Belle Du Jour
Baby Doll Botticelli Muse Nordic Angel English
Wavy Woman
all on one bottle.
no joke.
Monday, December 11, 2006
No Presence for Presents
Anyway, I do need to pause here a moment to tell you about our dinner, because it was a lovely unexpected surprise. We were in a section of town that we weren’t familiar with and my feet were already screaming at me for standing on them for 2 hours in heels so there was only a limited distance that we could walk. Therefore, after the gig was over, we stopped by a nearby hip hotel to see if they had a restaurant. The hotel’s restaurant was closed for a private party so they directed us to the concierge to give us some tips on nearby restaurants. And boy, was he helpful! Assuming that we were staying at the hotel, he told us all about restaurants and then called ahead to get us a table at the one we chose (Les Amis). He even told the restaurant that it was our anniversary, and that they should take special care of us! (We in fact had told the concierge that “no” we weren’t celebrating anything.) When we showed up at the restaurant they greeted us with champagne and then seated us very quickly. Mr. Mingle and I were not very hungry since we had had a late lunch with Sis, so we split everything and therefore got to try a few small things. It was delicious!!! I give the restaurant 4 Mingle Stars (out of 4) – friendly (not snooty), knowledgeable service (excellent wine recommendations) and very yummy food (except for the parsley soup with escargot…don’t need to ever have that again).
Where was I? Oh yes.. shopping. Last Sunday was spent cleaning the house and grocery shopping to get ready for Sis-in-law and husband who came over for dinner to celebrate her birthday. So, all in all, no shopping was done except for the one gift we had to buy which was for the birthday girl.
Now, I am sitting in a hotel room in Phoenix, where I’m traveling for work and will be here until Wednesday. I don’t really want to buy gifts here since inevitably someone will want to return something. Meanwhile we have to ship Mr. Mingle’s dad’s gift (which we haven’t bought); celebrate Christmas with Pop and J this Sunday (to give gifts that we have not purchased); and then leave for Hawaii next Wednesday (with gifts for the rest of the family which we do not have). Can anyone say gift cards?
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Just Wait For It
Back in August we were house-sitting at my Mom's house with her two cats and dog. Mini was trying to figure out the cat door to my mom's cats chagrin. Here you can see Mini trying to get out, but not knowing how, and the other two waiting behind her. But then something unexpected happens....
Sunday, December 03, 2006
So Long Sella!

Then came the reign of parking at the West Oakland Bart Station which led to 2 or 3 windows being broken (we lost count), and of course the oft talked about car-theft which occurred twice. To my chagrin it was found both times – the first time cost us to fix the clutch which they destroyed, the second time we had to pay for the towing charges and to get it out of the impound lot (again). The police have no sympathy for the victim – if it’s your car, you pay everything to get it back (whether you want it or not).
There were the other things we just didn’t fix knowing it wasn’t worth it – the droopy headliner, the broken stereo and the broken-down seats for example. It rattles with every stop, and when Mr. Mingle gets home at night I can hear him coming because his radio is so loud it cuts clear through the car and the house. Why this occurs I have no idea considering he only has one rear speaker, and he listens to NPR. A long time ago I named the car “Sella”, so I could say “Sella Saturn…get it? Sella Saturn!!”
Sella’s saving grace was that once Mr. Mingle started commuting 50 miles each day, the car was getting over 30 miles per gallon, which was nothing to scoff at. Until I realized he also had to buy a quart of oil each time he filled up on gas – so I’m not sure the cost savings was all that great.
But today was the day I have been waiting for …. Today we bought Mr. Mingle a new car! We’ve been shopping around for quite awhile, looking for a fuel efficient car that we both liked, and one which made sense price-wise. Finally, we settled on a Scion xA. It gets 37 miles per gallon on the highway, it’s only 154 inches long which is perfect for parking in the city, and it has a lot of bells and whistles for an affordable price.
Finally, the day has come – we can Sella Saturn!! (get it? Get it?!)
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Transportation Hell
I decided that I would fly to Seattle anyway and then take a bus up to Bellingham, so I dragged my suitcase, and my new computer case (also with wheels) to the BART station and hopped on. (When will wheels be developed that work on stairs?) While on BART I had the brilliant thought to call my customer in Bellingham to make sure they would even be open tomorrow. She confirmed that they were, but expressed concern that I was still coming. We decided that if it was okay with my company I could support her testing requirements over the phone rather then in person tomorrow. By the time I got to the airport, and dragged the bags through the BART turnstile (when will they make BART exits that accommodate bags with wheels?) I was pretty sure that I would not be traveling today. Fortunately my company agreed with me and I made all the calls to postpone my trip.
But I still had to get home. The original plan was to have Mr. Mingle pick me up when I returned home Thursday night - I hadn't intended to come straight home today. Dragged the bags back through the turnstile, back onto BART, to go to the stop nearest my home. The escalator at the station was working but at the top I dragged the heaviest of the two bags over my heal while trying to avoid a petitioner at the top. ouch. (when will they make wheels that are foolproof?)
Now I had to take the first of two busses to get home - the total mileage was maybe 2 miles. Not that far, but too far to drag the bags. Fortunately I got on the first bus immediately and got a seat. The lady driver was one of the surliest, but no harm done and I got off a mile later. Dragged my bags across the street and waited for the second bus. And waited.. and waited. Finally it came and I dragged the bags onto the bus and grabbed the first seat I could.
It was after we started moving that I realized the man to my left was full blown crazy. He started cussing and swearing and talking about all the things he could/should/would if he could do to women. It was as if his angry speaking intensified with the speed of the bus. The faster we went, the crazier he was. When we stopped he was quiet so another unsuspecting soul would sit down. I had to laugh internally when I realized the woman who was sitting directly across from him, seemingly on the other end of his tirade, was blind. The poor woman - I've never seen a blind person move so quickly when her stop came. My bags and I got off a few stops later and tried to wade through little kids waiting to get on. (when will they make wheels that go over kids?) As the bus pulled away, I looked up to see the mother and kids sit down directly across from Mr. Crazy. Those poor, poor children...they may be scarred for a long while.
Two and half hours after leaving work, I was home again and the good news is - I got home earlier then I would on a regular work day - so I have time to blog about it!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
A Mingle First
In all my life, I can never remember a time when we had the Christmas tree up and decorated any earlier then a week or two before Christmas. I knew that there were families out there who started decorating the weekend after Thanksgiving, but frankly, I thought they were a little crazy…
This year however, after hosting Thanksgiving at our house, Mr. Mingle and I were overcome with the holiday spirit. It started off when Mr. Mingle spent all day shopping downtown on the busiest shopping day of the year (I unfortunately had to work) and it didn’t push him over the edge. Instead, the two of us went back downtown the following day as well and bought some ornaments.
You see, this is the first year that we can actually have a full-size tree in our house, and we were very excited to put it up. We bought our tree last night, and as I write this blog now, it is already up and decorated!
I supposed if you also think, as I once did, that to decorate so soon is just plain crazy, then so be it. I will enjoy one full month of Christmas spirit, sipping spiked egg-nog, singing Christmas carols at the top of my lungs, and trying to put reindeer antlers on the cats. Of course, that is until we actually go away for Christmas, this year to Hawaii, where I doubt I’ll see much in the way of Christmas trees. Maybe Santa pulling a sleigh led by dolphins, but somehow, it’s just not the same.
I'll keep trying until Mini looks happy about it
Christmas 2004
Our old tree is one and half feet tall. Our new tree is over 6 feet!
A Mingle Thanksgiving
Ten people in all came (plus one more non-eater – Little Baby Sniffy), but only eight stayed for the full meal. Step-sis and beau Mackus had to leave early to have dinner at her mom’s house. Rounding out the rest of the crew were Mom and J, Uncle D and Cousin G, and Sniffy, Hubby and little E.
We started everyone off with some Thanksgiving punch made with fresh squeezed OJ, grapefruit juice… lightly spiked with Cognac. For appetizers we made sweet potato bruschetta, and mom brought some olives over for a little extra.
The turkey was ready around 2:00 and after that, it was time to stuff ourselves silly! Everyone had seconds so I took this as a positive sign that the food was yummy. Mr. Mingle and I got our recipes from Food and Wine Magazine, AllRecipes.com, epicurious.com and williamssonoma.com. We were happy with how everything turned out, and aside from lots of chopping and preparation ahead of time, they were fairly easy recipes. The “Country-Bread Stuffing with Parmesan, Raisins and Pine-Nuts” was the overwhelming favorite of the whole meal. I would happily recommend all of the recipes below if you are interested in making a Thanksgiving meal of your own.
The Mingle Thanksgiving Menu
Citrus-Cinnamon Punch
Sweet Potato Bruschetta
Classic Roasted Turkey
Country-Bread Stuffing with Parmesan, Raisins and Pine-Nuts
Holiday ONLY Mashed Potatoes (Because they are too fattening for regular consumption)
Spicy Cranberry Chutney (My personal favorite)
Peas (Thanks to Mom)
Salad (Thanks to Sniffy)
Pumpkin Pie
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie (Thanks again to Mom)
We were blessed with beautiful weather too, as it was clear and crisp. The perfect temperature for walking off the meal by traipsing up to the top of the hill and taking in a view of the city. At the pace we travelled I doubt we knocked off any calories, but it sure felt good to go for a walk after eating so much!
The Chefs are relieved their first turkey turned out
Mingle and family enjoying the view
Sunday, November 12, 2006
A Surprising Success
I enlisted my aunt to get me some addresses, but that took a few weeks, so in the meantime I went on an internet search. I found one of Pop's old coworkers and called him up, which fortunately turned out to be the right connection. After flubbing through the initial conversation with his wife, "Hi, I'm Mingle, I used to be Smith's daughter..." "You used to be Smith's daugher, but you aren't anymore?" she quickly replied.. "no, ha ha, I'm still Smith's daugher, but now I'm Mingle..." she gave me addresses of other old coworkers so I sent those invites out.
I then searched through old emails from Pop, to see if there was anyone on the CC list who I could contact. This proved fruitful for a few gentleman from Pop's other life. "Hi", I would write, "I don't know who you are, but I found your address on an email from my dad, would you like to come to his party?"
Invitations went out to about 50, and 30 were expected. Then the other plans started...many calls with the stepmom and aunt both of whom I don't speak to on a regular basis. "yes, yes" says Mingle, "I did consider buying food..." "yes, I did invite my family", "Yes, I am getting alcohol..." I found myself repeating many conversations over and over, because in my mind, I had everything planned and under control and just needed others to bring a few items. The others thought I was not buying anything and went out and bought over and above what we needed. ("Yes, yes I did bring plates (read: I'm not an idiot, please leave me alone)". During the last two weeks stepmom called even more, "Hey Mingle, I invited so and so's mom....Hey Mingle, my son is bringing his 3 friends - they know Smith....Hey Mingle, I invited the gardner and the tenants..." I was kind of waiting for the postman and garbage man to show up, but alas they must not have run into my stepmom in time. Finally, I realized that 50 would most likely be the number. Some would come, but not respond, some would respond but not come, and some would just show up. So, about two weeks ago anytime someone asked, "how many people are coming?" I'd just respond - "Oh, about 50". Sure enough... it was right.
My mother, who is the last person I wanted to ask to help me (because she is no longer married to my father), realized the state of panic and stress I was in about 2 weeks ago and went out and bought all the decorations for me. I can't say thank you enough. Pop's friends picked up the key to the Senior Center (that's where we through the party - GREAT irony) and came to help me set up. They also led the cleaning brigade at the end of the party, and had almost everything done, (along with Fossie the mopper) before I needed to lift a finger. This was the first time I have thrown a party where I didn't have to do the cleaning. Grateful doesn't even begin to explain what I felt tonight.
But, the best part, was seeing how pleased Pop was. He has been Mr. Grumpy McGrumpigus leading up to his 60th birthday. He's been down, and a sour puss, and just resisting the whole idea of getting older. But tonight, for the first time in a few months, he was happy. Happy, touched and genuinely surprised. And that made all the planning worth it.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Head Above Water
The Start of Unpacking

Helping Mom Put Things On the High Cabinet Shelves
Tired After a Long Day's Work

Thanks to Mini we were able to take a walk and enjoy JP's visit
Mr. Mingle and JP
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Have a Peaceful Halloween

P.S. Sorry I've been off the blogging charts lately - hope to be back soon!!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Nothing Like Having Egg on My Face
No! no no no.. Last Saturday I attended my company picnic and participated in the proverbial egg toss. We all had a partner and then faced each other in 2 lines. After each toss we would then back up. When we were about 20 feet away from each other my partner and her line tossed their eggs to us. Unfortunately, the team next to me didn’t toss well and while I was leaning to my right trying to catch my own egg, the guy to my left was trying to take a leaping grab to his right to catch his egg. Alas, he missed and instead it hit me full force in the neck and shoulder – getting quite a lot of egg in my hair. Gross. I immediately flashed back to my woodworking class only a week before where the instructor had been touting the glue-like properties of egg.
I missed my egg which went skidding away unbroken – so we were still in the game. What could I do? I didn’t want to be a spoil sport and stomp off so I took off my outer egg-doused shirt and continued the game in my tank top. No one could criticize me for giving up. My partner and I ended up getting second place shortly after, and then I ran to a water fountain to rinse my hair out. Others brought me napkins for my face, neck and arm and then I was able to put my hair up in a tie, so no one was the wiser. However, I did make an impression – I was the only employee mentioned by name in the CEO’s re-cap email: “And, Mingle, I hear that egg white is actually good for hair sheen!”
At least now he knows who I am. The girl with egg on her face….
Friday, September 29, 2006
Diary of a New Employee
Day 2: I started training on the software that I will be implementing at clients' sites. I can tell that it’s full of good functionality, but it is also confusing and not very user friendly. I think it will take me a long time to truly understand the ins and outs. Especially since it also seems like the other Project Managers also know everything about networking and server set-up as well.
Day 3: I spent more time with JANIE WITH THE LOUD VOICE, who I believe is to be my mentor. She is all-knowing when it comes to the application, even down to minute tech questions that the engineers should be answering. She’s also a very strong Project Manager.
Day 6: My boss – the director of the department - left for a 10 day vacation. I didn’t get to see her much in the first week, but I guess I’ll just keep training on the app with Ms. Random (who I find a little strange) and shadow JWTLV the rest of the time. Still waiting for a cubicle, but at least today I’m in the same suite as the rest of my department.
Day 9: There are only two other Project Managers besides myself and JWTLV: the Russian woman (Russia) and Joy who works in Idaho. When I was hired they told me they would look to me to become manager of this little group, which now confuses me because I see that JWTLV is currently the manager. Makes me a little suspicious.
Day 10: Joy needed to take a sudden leave of absence due to a sick family member. While she’s out the next two weeks I’ll help JWTLV communicate with Joy’s clients. I don’t understand their questions, but I send them nice emails saying I’ll get back to them quickly with the answer – which I do – when someone else gives me the answer. By the way JWTLV made a comment today that I would be her boss one day and she seemed okay with that. I find it weird.
Day 15: Russia left for vacation today so now it’s just JWTLV and I. My boss – the director – returned from vacation. (Oh! I finally got my cube and laptop!)
Day 17: A department-wide meeting was called which JWTLV fore-warned me may be “dramatic”. In this meeting, my boss announced that she is leaving the company to pursue a new opportunity – she is purchasing a wine distribution company. (I’m not sure if this has anything to do with the fact that she just returned from Italy.)
Day 17-19: I continue to do whatever work I can but am a little concerned since my boss was the one who made all the promises of quick promotion at interview time – and now she’s leaving. Fortunately she’s still going to work part time through the end of the year and has agreed to meet with me daily for training. I’m also pacified by the fact that I still have JWTLV to work with. I’m confident in her abilities, and aside from the fact that she sometimes makes my ears bleed, I enjoy her company.
Day 20: JWTLV announced her resignation! What the hell?! Apparently she’s tired and needs a change – she even quit without another job lined up. What am I going to do?? JWTLV will be here for 3 weeks and in that time I guess I’m supposed to suck her brain dry. Am going to Chicago with her too for a couple of days. I sure hope the other Project Managers come back soon.
No Joke
"Yep, this is the day you have all been waiting for. I've put out markers just inside my cube and my old cast is waiting for YOUR signature. It presently comes in two pieces so two people may sign it at one time! No words of wisdom are necessary, just YOUR signature. Once this work of art is completed, it will reside in my cube as a flower vase. Come one, come all. If I missed anyone that interacts with [Our Group], please let me know. If you were out of town when I sent this, come on over when you return. The more signatures and color on the CAST of characters, the more beautiful it will be. Don't make me come to you - because I will!"
Right now, I am very, very frightened....a flower vase??!!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Geeks that Make Me Proud
I thought I'd try posting something new to my blog site - a video! This is an SNL skit which some of you may have seen, but if not - enjoy. |
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
My Life In Boxes
Linen Closet Stuff
2 Nightstands worth of junk
Hanging Things
Sleeping Bags, Pads, and other similar objects
An office full of crap
27 boxes full of Heavy-Ass Shit
And we still have to pack our kitchen, clothes, and bathroom items…
But the good news is – we are moving!
Signed a lease for a house in San Francisco last Friday, started packing Saturday and move in less then two weeks.
Can’t Wait!!!
And now… back to packing up the rubbish.
Monday, September 25, 2006
The Cast Off
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Good Things Come in FouRRRRs
For extra amusement, the power cord that came with my new laptop already had a label affixed to it with my name. It reads, “Meghan Meghan”.
But to pay homage to that which came before… thank you dear R key for the good times….

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The Little Rockstar That Could

As I mentioned at the beginning of the summer, Rockstar Supernova was on the Mingle House TV Line-up. It was the only show that both Mr. Mingle and I sat down and watched religiously from the first episode to last night's finale. About a week before the first episode we saw the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Johnny Depp and from the first time we saw Lukas Rossi, he reminded us of an Oompa Loompa. Who wants to see an Oompa Loompa hopping around onstage for two hours? Not this kid.
From the beginning we were big fans of Dilana and Mr. Mingle and I would often discuss what a great addition she'd make to the band. It seemed she was unstoppable, until of course, 'the breakdown', when she self-combusted at a press junket. Even so though, she got back on track, and performance-wise she was unbeatable in my book. I would have paid to see her in concert just to see what came next.
It came down to Lukas and Dilana in the final two, and I agree that they were the best two choices for the band, as long as Dilana won. But alas no matter how much discussion between Mr. Mingle and I, or how much Lukas looks like an Oompa Loompa, the band chose Lukas.
What were they thinking???!
Blame Canada
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Dreaming of Work
My total tiredness came to a head on Wednesday when I had to sit in on a two hour conference call with the Russian Woman*. The Russian Woman was talking into a polycom and walking the customer on the other end through a configuration document. I really needed to pay attention to this because it is what I will do very soon. I was avidly listening and taking notes for the first hour, when the doze potential started kicking in. I stood up, I sat down, I stood up, I paced around, I sat down. I got cold – left the room to get my jacket and shook my head to try to clear the cobwebs as I left the room. I came back, sat down. Stood up, paced around… you can see where this is going. Fortunately the Russian Woman seemed non-plussed by my movement, and also did not notice when finally 10 minutes before the meeting ended I could not control it any longer and… closed..my…eyes.. Huh? What?
It was after this, that I sent an email to my friend JP and said that I needed to ask my boss some burning questions before she left on vacation:
1) When will I get my laptop?
2) When will I get my cubicle?
3) When will they start putting me to work?
4) Can I have a cot?
JP suggested that I switch the approach and say, “Listen, either you give me a cot, or you put me to work, I’ll leave it up to you.”
I thought that was excellent advice, but fortunately it didn’t come to that. On Thursday before I left for the day my boss and the project manager guru whom I’ve been shadowing met to discuss what to do with me for the next few weeks. They decided that I’m picking up stuff quickly and that it might be good to give me my own client. Which they did! They came to tell me that my first client will be in Oregon. Hooray!!! At that point, I don’t know if I was happier about the fact that I get to go to work, or that I get to go to Oregon. I did keep my wits about me enough not to exclaim to the boss, “that’s great news, because I have friends up there!” Instead, I thanked her, and eagerly came to work on Friday refreshed. And not once, did I doze.
*In regards to the Russian Woman… when I first met her I knew that she was either from Russia or somewhere else in Eastern Europe but I wasn’t exactly sure. However I figured it out yesterday when I saw her cube. She had 3 still-life photos hanging on her cube walls, which had one prominent thing in common: Vodka. It was right then when I knew – she’s Russian.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The Cubicle Saga
My boss tells me that I am supposed to be sitting in a cubicle in the corner where another guy (the English Guy) is currently located. He is supposed to be moving to the other suite (where I am temporarily located). The woman I am supposed to sit next to, shadow, and train with says that the English Guy will probably be very excited to move.
A random employee tells me that "No" I will not be getting the English Guy's cube because he doesn't want to move. According to her, she is moving to a different cube, and I will get her old cube.
Later I mention to my boss that I am getting conflicting information about where I am to sit. She tells me that the random employee is wrong and that she will be sorting this out with the CFO who is supposed to tell the English Guy he's moving. Later in the day the boss tells me that the English guy will be told on Tuesday that he needs to vacate his cube by Wednesday.
The CFO stops by to apologize for the delay and explains that he's "sorry that I don't have my permanent space yet. A couple of people didn't show up for work so they didn't feel they could be evicted from their cubes until they saw them face to face." He thinks I should be in my space by Thursday.
No word.
Random employee shows up to tell me that I should be sure to take the chair I'm currently sitting in. She explains that I should quietly remove it from the suite I am in to the other suite where the cube is. I explain to her that I have already placed an order for a proper office chair because I don't really want to continue sitting in the 80s style kitchen chair with the wooden arms and no wheels. But thanks anyway. Random then says that "they" are on the case, and are trying to get me my cube (aka her old cube). My boss comes out and says that Random is incorrect and well.. go away.
Considering it's only Thursday, I can't comment yet. But my boss is now officially out of the office until September 20.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The Raptop
On the second day a tech guy came by - and let me stress one of the two tech guys came- which is something I'll need to get used to in this small company - with an old IBM laptop. This is the conversation that followed:
Tech Guy: Here's your laptop. Unfortunately as I was setting it up for you the R key came off but I was able to pop it back on. However, it may fall off again.
I have yet to get the other laptop, or hear about it. I don't know what's going on. I also don't know what's going on with my cube - but that's a different story...
A New Beginning
Little did I know that this would become more of an issue as it became clear that I didn't yet have a cubicle and therefore nowhere to keep my stuff. I started to panic, but then thought...now... be patient, afterall - I didn't get moved into my last cube at FT until at least a month after working for the new department (hence the reason this blog ever started in the first place!). Speaking of blogging, I also don't have a permanent laptop assigned to me so I don't yet feel confident blogging from work (although I was pleased to discover that the loaner laptop does have Spider Solitaire). So, to make up for it, I've been taking notes as I ride to and from work - just so I don't miss anything that I find amusing during the day.
And now, as I sit at home about to type my first blog since starting at BS - I realize I have left my trusty notebook at work, in the temporary cube next to the loaner laptop and can only think: - dear god - i hope no one reads it.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
How to Make an Exit
After work on Friday I had set up a Happy Hour with friends that I'd made through the years at FT. I was having a jolly good time having some drinks and mingling with those who had come. It was a nice turn out that represented the various groups that I've worked with over the years. Sandy and her husband came to say goodbye and aside from the fact that I had to referree between Sandy and our boss Meanie for 4 months, I like her and was pleased that they were there. One thing that always bothered me however was the fact that during the whole 4-month woe of whining about getting a job with my department she never once told me that her dad was friends with the Executive VP. The Big Spin and Meanie had told me Sandy's dad was friends with the VIP about 8 months ago, but Sandy never breathed a word. Instead she complained and worried that she wouldn't be hired and I was always on the verge of exploding, "will you give me a break! We all know that you will get a job here since your dad is friends with the VIP, never mind the fact that you've worked here for 2 years now and are a smart woman, so please, shut up!". But I never did... instead I was quite impressed (and frankly surprised) that she never once brought that little piece of information up.
Then comes Friday night... a couple of beers down, I decided to ask Sandy about this tidbit of info, and here's how it went:
M: Of course you can!! Good idea! Yes, yes, clear this up and Make YOUR MARK.
Someone else: Um..Mingle…would you guys like to play pool?....
M: Yes, YES! Great idea! Come on Sandy, let’s go play pool with your husband…
At this point, Sandy pretty much disappeared, her husband came to say goodbye and thank me (curse me) for dropping that bombshell of information prior to their weekend and off they went.
I, in the meantime, had dropped my own bombshell. It was as if I wound her up, set her in front of the door to my old department, patted her on the butt and said – “Off you go now… say bye to the Big Spin for me!!!”
And, exit – stage left.
Geeks on Parade, Installment 2
Clusterfuck: n. 1. A group of kids marching aound on a field. In a sentence: What a tremendous game we have seen so far; while the football team regroups in the locker room during half-time, let's all enjoy the clusterfuck that is occurring on the field.
Needless to say, I do cringe everytime I hear him use that. Fortunately, it's never within ear-shot of the kids.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Last Day
Is it "Working 9 to 5"? no, no ... that's not quite it.
"5 O'Clock Blues?" no... no... I'm about to go drinking, so that can't be it...
"Iiiii don't want to work.. I just want to bang on the drums all day.." - that could be it, but considering I just made it through band camp, I don't really want to hear anymore drums right now. What, oh what could it be??
"Take this job and shove it"? YES! THAT IS IT!! Because you know why? I am done! I just need to wipe away the remaining papers lying on my desk, turn off my computer, and, and walk away. All together now, please join me in a collective sigh of relief.
I based the goodbye email to my coworkers on a topic that has been sitting on my company's intranet site for a couple of weeks. They like to give you a lead in sentence and then employees write in with their responses. Typically it's either someone from India or in management being very very serious. Except for one guy wrote about chocolate which was the best entry ever in my opinion. Here's my farewell:
On my way to work today I was thinking about... …how happy I was that this would be the last time I drive from Alameda to San Mateo to go to work. I was reminded of the time when I missed the WAM meeting because I was stuck in a 9-car pile up on the San Mateo Bridge. And then I realized that I would no longer be attending a WAM, LSRM, TOC or BUPOC meeting. And I thought that if I start a similar meeting at my new company I will call it the AWM (Acronym Without Meaning) Meeting. I imagined hearing the response of others when new employees ask, “what does AWM stand for?” and someone might say, “oh, that’s the All-hands Weekly Meeting”, or “that’s the Administrative Work Meeting”… and it made me chuckle. But I also started to think about how much I would miss the friends that I have made while working here and wanted to tell them that. And regardless of the drive or countless number of acronyms through the years, I have learned a lot and will take these lessons with me. Lastly, I thought about that guy in Rancho who wrote about chocolate, and have to agree with him, chocolate really is great.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Geeks on Parade*
Band camp (damn that movie that ruined it for all) started last week and I went back to work as an instructor during the hours when I’m not at FT pretending like I still work here. There are over 200 kids in the band, so they have 2 official band directors and 4 marching instructors. We lowly marching instructors like the job because we enjoy helping the kids, and we like our friend who hired us, Band Director #1 Mr. Ed.
On the first night three of us showed up (and as a side note, I have struggled with naming my fellow instructors… these two guys have been friends forever and I first thought, Beevis and Butthead, but they aren't that destructive. Then I thought the Ambiguously Gay Duo, but they would kill me for that. So, I’ve decided to go with Scooby and Shaggy). Anyways, Scooby, Shaggy and I were in for a surprise when we showed up to the first rehearsal last week to find two more instructors. Apparently Band Director #2 not only hired these gentleman, (Dick and Macass), but also told Dick that he would be in charge of marching this year. Things may have gone a bit smoother if someone had told us this prior to the first rehearsal. Instead Dick strolls in late on the first night and announces to the kids that BD #2 has put him in charge. He says a lot more stuff and finally looks over at us and says, “hey you guys – get over here. I don’t know your names, but introduce yourselves!” The kids did know our names since we’ve been teaching there for years, so it was a somewhat awkward moment when I said, “Hi, I’m Mingle, I’ve been here for 4 years…”, while not saying out loud, “who the hell are you??” to the new guy…
That first night was very uncomfortable because there was a lot of tension between all of the instructors – unfortunately it was also palpable to some of the older kids. Since then however, things seemed to have smoothed over. Frankly I kind of like having the new guys there because the kids like me now. I’m nice compared to Dick and Macass.
I also find it rather amusing to watch Scooby and Shaggy square off against Dick and Macass – they are all very passionate about their marching technique. And it’s at this point that I realize that no matter how much of a geek I am, I am nothing compared to them.
* This installment of Geeks on Parade is dedicated to JP.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
The Details
I have accepted a position at a small company in downtown SF which provides various banking operations services, primarily for small banks. It also works very closely with the Federal Reserve Bank. It will be a completely different job and experience then what I’ve had the last five and half years at FT, but I am definitely ready and excited for the change!
What attracted me to the company:
The size (less then 100)
The location (within walking distance of various public transportation options)
The future potential of the company
The future potential of my place within the company
The people
The idea of being a big fish in a small pond
I am going in as a Project Manager, however there has already been talk of Manager potential in the near future if I do the work they expect me to. They like my background and the things I’ve done here, and think I’ll be a valuable resource to their growing company. And I would like to agree! Hmm… no pressure….
There are some risks of course – I’m leaving a very large, stable corporation with financial security (stock plan, bonus structure, yada, yada), but frankly, it just wasn’t doing it for me. I’m fed up with the politics and the hoops I have to jump through to get work done. I’m tired of the daily 60 mile round trip commute. But most importantly, I am so very ready for a change.
This job came across my path when a recruiter picked my resume off of Monster.com, and it was amazing how fast things happened. I met with him a couple of days before leaving for Portland, and I had my first interview with the company the day I got back. Less then a week later I had the second interview and the offer. I counter-offered but pretty much new it was in the bag, and I was waiting on specifics.
On Friday at 12:45 I got the final offer, and at 1:00 I resigned. Do I have any regrets? Hell No! Will I later? Who Knows! But it’s time to take a chance…
Friday, August 11, 2006
Oh Happy Day
I accept your resignation and understand the reasons for your choice. You have been a tremendous asset for us in this group and your contributions are far greater than the successful projects you managed.
Your friendly voice and professionalism will be missed.
HR Lady,
We have agreed to the two week notice which puts Mrs. Mingle's separation date on Friday, August 25th. Please let me know what else we need to do to facilitate this process.
The Big Spin
-----Original Message-----
From: Mrs. Mingle
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 2:14 PM
To: The Big Spin; Meanie
Subject: Mrs. Mingle Resignation
Dear Big Spin and Meanie,
I regret to inform you that I am resigning my position at [this company] effective Friday, August 25. I’ve enjoyed working for the both of you and have learned a lot while working for [your department], but feel I cannot pass up my other opportunity.
Thank you very much for your continued support and I will work with you to complete as smooth a transition as possible with my departure.
Mrs. Mingle
oh yeah...I've got lots to talk about!!
(If only I could take a picture of the huge cheesy grin on my face since I sent this email!)
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Rockin' the Rogue
Mr. Mingle and I drove up to Oregon to meet our friends JP&JD at the Rogue River for a little camping and river rafting. We were celebrating JP and my birthdays and any excuse is a good excuse for a visit. We met up around 1pm on Saturday outside of Grants Pass (near the Oregon – California border) and soon discovered that all campsites in the area were full. Actually, JP&JD had discovered this the night before when they arrived earlier then us. Fortunately they found the most perfect spot by the river where there was plenty of space for two tents (which didn’t matter since Mr. Mingle and I forgot our tent poles), no neighbors, and it was free. We set up camp, went for a swim in the river, and then ate. And then ate again.
After a restful night’s sleep we went to meet our group for an all-day river rafting trip. It became obvious early on that this trip was to be more of a lazy trip down the river with occasional rapids, rather then a white-knuckled helmet-wearing adventure. We all decided that it would be more fun to go kayaking instead (the tour company had brought them along with the boats) and each got our own inflatable kayak. By the way, when they said “inflatable” I had envisioned something just slightly better then an air mattress with walls, but luckily I was badly mistaken. They were heavy, heavy duty boats which we paddled for 6 hours down the Rogue.
About two-thirds of the way through the trip we finally stopped for lunch at which point we were all ravenously hungry. I think the tour guides sensed that this trip might turn ugly and asked that "Everyone back away from the food tables until we are done setting up." The four of us walked away, but never out of site of the food tables and amused ourselves by throwing rocks to see who could hit the bigger rock. Let's just say it's pretty obvious none of us played baseball or softball. Finally they let us eat, so we built up our strength and hit the river again.
We hit some rapids which were fun to go through, and then we could relax the arms and shoulders a little and let the river push us along sometimes. JP came away with the only war injury of the day when her boat tossed her out into the rocks. Her brave husband came to the rescue, not only catching her on his way down, but also her hat.
After the trip down the river we got into our cars and drove up to Portland to JP&JD’s house. We wanted to see their new place, meet their cats, and also check out the local scene. I also wanted to find out more about the job market up there so Mr. Mingle and I met with recruiters on Monday. As coincidence-luck-fate would have it, shortly after we met the recruiters, Mr. Mingle got a call from a company in California offering him a job. He accepted, and the search for a job in Portland ended as quickly as it had begun.
On Tuesday we sadly said goodbye to our friends and began the long drive back.
Mr. Mingle started his job as a Research Analyst this past Monday in Menlo Park, and so far so good! He’s enjoying the work, although not the commute and is learning all about chemicals in India. What? More to come…
Friday, July 28, 2006
Happy Birthday You Big Ass
Meany came in shortly after that and gave me a birthday present and The Big Spin told me to leave early. (I didn't actually leave early because technically I hadn't done any work today when he said that (at 2:00). I told myself I had to stay to finish a couple of things off before I leave on vacation. (I won't be back in the office until next Thursday - hooray!) But really, I had to get coffee with Calendar Girl and catch up. Now I'll put up my out of office messages, and then, officially...I am outta here!!!!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
A Story
It started almost 2 years ago, when Sandy first rotated through my department (before I was here) and met THE BIG SPIN. Sandy loved this department and wanted to stay. At the time they weren’t hiring, but THE BIG SPIN told her that if she would rotate through all these other areas then she could come back to the department later and be hired. So Sandy went away and kept working, eager for the day she would return.
THE BIG SPIN in the meantime hired MEANY and others, including myself, and the department changed drastically. And then Sandy came back four months ago. She was put in my group reporting to MEANY and basically told by THE BIG SPIN that she would be hired at the end of this last rotation. MEANY on the other hand did not like this idea at all. So, she basically made Sandy report to me and stopped talking to her altogether. This put me in a very awkward position where I would often find myself in the middle of the two of them trying to smooth things over. I was the mediator for the last 4 months. Balancing on one side - a young woman who was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and on the other side - an uncaring angry person.
I like Sandy a lot, she’s a very nice girl, but she’s also very high strung and unfortunately told everyone in the office about her job woes and her worries that she would not be hired. She told me over and over (and over) again about her concerns, and over and over (and over) again I told her that she would be hired and she should try not to get herself so worked up. One day during this time she made me so upset I actually got angry and yelled at her. This was the “dark period”. MEANY in the meantime continued to treat Sandy like a POS and I continued to be stuck in the middle.
I’m happy to say, that as of yesterday, this story has been resolved. However the ending to this story is different depending on whom you talk to. First MEANY talked to me and said that Sandy had been offered a job in our department, however she would not be reporting to MEANY – she would be reporting to another lady, in a different group. She said that she had told THE BIG SPIN that Sandy is not yet ready to work in our group because she doesn’t have enough experience and that MEANY and I are too busy to take her under our wing and mentor her. (This was right after I walked into her office and said things are very slow for me right now and I was looking for work that I could begin for next year.) She said that THE BIG SPIN was very angry when she told him this.
THE BIG SPIN then came into the office and started to tell me that Sandy was hired, but would now be reporting to another lady. He then started to explain that this was no reflection on MEANY and I, at which point I smirked. He then went on to explain that Sandy needs more guidance, she needs to be “nurtured”, at which point I literally had to turn away my head and laugh out loud. MEANY explained to THE BIG SPIN that I was already very aware of all of this. THE BIG SPIN did not listen, but continued to explain the situation, during all of which I was not able to wipe off the smirk on my face.
Next comes Sandy…she asked me to go to coffee with her in the afternoon so she could share her “good news!” She didn’t know how it happened, but one day THE BIG SPIN told her she would have a job and would be reporting to MEANY, but then the next day he talked to Sandy and said, “I’ve been thinking about this more, and I believe it would be better if you reported to this other lady because...blah, blah, blah” Apparently, this is the work that she wanted to do all along (which was news to me). She was giddy with excitement – “I can’t believe this has all worked out so perfectly!” she exclaimed. “I really like the people in our department and it would make me sad to leave” (Fortunately, I was able to control my smirk when she said this – because I do not enjoy the people in our department.) She was concerned however, that MEANY would be upset when she learned that Sandy would now be reporting to another lady. To which I wanted to reply, “Are you #$@& kidding me?! Do you remember the hell of the last 4 months?? She has never said a nice word to you!” However, the diplomatic side took over, and instead I assured her that it probably works out best for MEANY too because she doesn’t have time to mentor Sandy. Sandy was “super relieved”, and went away happy.
I however went away shaking my head, amazed that I had heard 3 different versions of the same story. And all I really wanted to hear was, “Mingle, I’m sorry for the hell you have been put through for the last 4 months, we promise we will all grow up now.”
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Boy Babies
When I made this realization over the weekend, I told Mr. Mingle that R & J have to have a boy next, and then told him about my discovery. To which he replied, “Wait…you want R & J to have a boy, so you will know a boy baby? Doesn’t that sound a little selfish, and frankly weird?” Well, OK, so maybe he did have a point, but still how many boys and girls do all of you know?? I’m sure that there is going to be a huge majority of women walking this earth in the future. Wait a minute…maybe that isn’t such a bad thing afterall…
Monday, July 24, 2006
Calendar Girl Gets Her Mingle On
Calendar Girl: All the most auspicious energies of the week—and with Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in a grand water trine, there are lots of 'em—will swirl around you when you're out, getting your mingle on.
Mingle: no way!
Calendar Girl: oh yes way
Calendar Girl: I'll be 'getting my mingle on' only you won't have anything to do with it
Calendar Girl: however,
Calendar Girl: this new development bodes well for a new Phrase of Summer
Calendar Girl: like on Friday?
Calendar Girl: I'm going to Get My Mingle On when we get the birthday cookies
Calendar Girl: I got my Mingle On last Friday too
Calendar Girl: I'd say it'd have to be a planned event
Calendar Girl: so seeing you in the hallway this morning was NOT an instance of 'getting my mingle on'
Calendar Girl: you see?
Calendar Girl: have I given this too much thought?
Calendar Girl: (don't answer that)
Mingle: are you trying to go for another blog mention with this IM chain?
Calendar Girl: no, I hadn't thought about trying to get a blog mention, unfortunately, this is just me
Calendar Girl: but would this qualify for a blog mention?
Mingle: perhaps...
Calendar Girl: so uh, you want a Moroccan mint or anything?
Mingle: now you are thinking...
Calendar Girl: something from the vending machine?
Calendar Girl: a foot massage?
Mingle: no, no - a beverage would be just fine
Calendar Girl: does this mean I've made the blog?
Mingle: does this mean I get a beverage?
What a girl would do to get a Moroccan Mint Tea from Whole Foods…
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Here's An Idea
I initially started by dancing around a few different issues that I see here, and then finally fell into a 15 minute period of verbal diarrhea where I unloaded such phrases as “I’m not very happy here”, “This department is dysfunctional”, “It’s an extremely negative environment”, “I like some of the work that I do, but that will only get me so far…”, and one of my personal favorites, “I go to the Dublin office to get away from here” (usually I just tell them it’s to save gas), and so it went...
I was actually quite surprised by how calmly she sat and listened to me without putting on one of her facial expressions that I call ‘disgust’. We then discussed the situation a little bit more, until finally it wrapped up by her saying, “Well, I completely agree with you and I’m unhappy too. And although I should probably be more positive with you, I don’t see things ever improving either.”
Ok then! That was pretty much the last straw that I needed to kick me into job-hunt land. Why stay at a job that shows no sign of improving? Even after our long painful discussion she pretty much said that she didn’t see the point of her 2-Day Management meeting and probably wouldn’t say anything. I told her at the very least she could bring me back some free coffee.
Today I am sitting in Dublin (“to save gas”) as I write this. I have to go back tomorrow, but considering nothing will change, at least I know what to expect. However, now I have an idea of something to work on thanks to a well-timed article a coworker sent to me from The Onion.
No, I will not be putting together a suicide note Powerpoint presentation, but perhaps a Resignation Presentation would be appropriate. Mine might have four categories too… like, “Why I Quit”; “Why you Suck”; “Why this department will fold in under a year”; and “Ha Ha I was Right”, although I am open to suggestions…
Friday, July 14, 2006
An Addendum
First of all, my "Ex-Coworker/Friend" who is referenced in the IM conversation from two days ago read my blog and then complained that she needed a better name then "Ex-Coworker/Friend". Then today she sent me this IM after reading yesterday's entry about our special calendar:
Ex-Coworker/Friend: I use the calendar all the time (when I'm at my desk) and wouldn't ya know it...
Ex-Coworker/Friend: I never noticed that it was Monday - Sunday
Ex-Coworker/Friend: oh man, that's a good one!
Dear Ex-Coworker/Friend:
You are right, you do deserve a better blog name. From now on you will be referenced as Goofball.
Mrs. Mingle
Thursday, July 13, 2006
My Favorite Calendar
I’m not sure why the calendar is like this – I suspect it was given out to our employees in our international offices too – do they usually think of weeks as Monday – Sunday? No matter, when the realization occurred, many threw the calendar away rather then deal with the confusion.
I, however, kept the calendar but drew clear vertical lines on each month separating Monday-Friday from Saturday and Sunday. But then in May, I got a little nervous when Mother’s Day appeared on the calendar on Wednesday, May 10. “Oh!” I pondered, “I thought Mother’s Day was on Sunday!” Of course it was, as it is every year, on Sunday, May 14 (also the day that I took my mom out to lunch where we all got food poisoning).
But today my calendar proved to be the best ever, because as I was looking at it to make plans for the weekend of July 28, I realized that there is no July 29. Nope, according to my calendar, we are not acknowledging that day this year. Instead we will have Friday, July 28, Saturday July 28 and Sunday, July 30. This new found knowledge made me extremely happy – after all, my birthday is July 28, so now I get to celebrate twice!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The Banality of Work
(I sure do miss them)
Mingle: hey there
Ex Coworker/Friend: hi
Mingle: I have something for you
Ex Coworker/Friend: ooh goody
Mingle: yes, it's VERY big
Ex Coworker/Friend: what? what???
Mingle: and...let's just say it has something to do with Peet's
Ex Coworker/Friend: (gasp!)
Mingle: 50
Mingle: cent
Mingle: giftcard!!
Ex Coworker/Friend: ooooooh!!!!
Mingle: (and don't spend it all in one place)
Ex Coworker/Friend: how exactly, did you come by such a wondrous gift?
Mingle: well...someone else gave me the giftcard to Peet’s so, I went there and asked them (with eager excitement) “how much does this have??”
Mingle: imagining a latte...
Mingle: and she said…
Mingle: “$2.00”
Mingle: so.. I got a small coffee, and then thought I'd save the rest to share the wealth with you
Ex Coworker/Friend: aw shucks!!!!
Ex Coworker/Friend: thank you!!!!
Ex Coworker/Friend: $2 is pretty paltry
Mingle: (I was just hoping for $5)
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Summer TV Line-Up
I feel like I’m giving up a little of my personality here… I watch Jon Stewart on the Comedy Channel for current events, Rockstar SUPERNOVA, the second cousin to American Idol (although, I’d have to argue it’s by far the more talented cousin), and The Backyardigans – a show made for Nickelodeon Jr. Yep – it’s a cartoon, and not even one for adults or older kids – it’s for 5 year-olds.
If you have not seen this yet – I highly recommend that you check it out. I came across it one Sunday when I was flipping through channels and was immediately transfixed. It’s about a group of friends (who just happen to be talking animals) that create big adventures in their backyard every episode. So far we have seen them chase a yetti, ride on the prairie, and search for dinosaur bones. In each episode the characters will sing songs about their adventures that have clever lyrics and they dance in time to the music. What makes this show so outstanding is the choreography. The animation is simple, yet they’ve got the characters even doing hip hop – I bet they could do the Running Man.
I'm not sure how we reconcile watching Tommy Lee and cute cartoon characters in the same night, and I'm not even sure why we love this animated show so much. The funny thing is that Mr. Mingle and I don’t always agree on movies and TV. He usually likes the more serious, thought-provoking shows from say Discovery or PBS, and the independent films that require way to much brain power for me. I tend to like the blockbuster type films, and the popular dramas and sitcoms. Yet if there is one thing that we agree on, it’s The Backyardigans! So please, before you start judging me and my cartoon selection, check it out, I think you may be surprised!
Monday, July 03, 2006
Houseboat 2006
Houseboat 2006 was a lot of fun and it was so nice to be back after a 3 year absence. If you want the PG-13 (or R-Rated) version, you may want to check with Karin's Chronicles (just ask her what her catch-phrase of the week was), and if you want the pictorial version, you may want to check out Swiss Miss (she and Mr. B took over 500 photos between the two of them), but if you want my version (AKA Mingle's Meltdown) then please stick with me here...
The theme of the week was "Backflips!" Our new friend Tim joined us this year and was a crazy man when it came to special dives, jumps and leaps (in a chair) off of the houseboat. We caught on to his excitement and all tried doing backflips off the back of the boat. A couple of the braver ones did it off the top, but to my recollection none of us ladies did. I was impressed enough that I was able to do a backflip off the back of the boat without losing my swimsuit in the process.
There were lots of tumbles and crashes in the water as everyone spent the week wakeboarding, skiing, and surfing. Wait, wait - surfing? yes, that's right. One of the new toys this year was a small surfboard type thing that we tried out. Once you get up (which fortunately is quite easy) then you try to ride the boat wake as if on a surfboard. I particularly liked this one because I was not bound to the board and we traveled at very low speeds so falling usually did not hurt. I cannot say the same about the wakeboard however. I have not quite grasped the whole 'edge' thing, and caught the front edge real good, which led to huge face-plants - so hard it literally knocked me out of my boots. Twice. In a row.
My face-plants occurred on Tuesday and for the whole week after that I suffered different amounts of dizziness which continue even now. However, a visit to the doctor today confirmed that, NO, it was not a head injury. Somehow, I came down with a case of vertigo, which is a result of a virus in the inner ear. Unfortunately there is no medication for it, I just have to wait it out (hopefully no more then another week).
I was ecstatic when I learned on Monday that Mr. Mingle would be joining me up at the houseboat on Wednesday. Once he arrived, he joined us wakeboarding and surfing, but also spent at least 2 hours a day hiking. On his first hike he even came across a bear in the woods, which fortunately was more scared then he was and ran away. Of course this also prompted Krin to sing my famous bear song from Girl Scouts over and over again for the rest of the trip. "The Other day...the other day...[Mr. Mingle] saw a bear...Mr. Mingle saw a bear..." He was also the only one to spend any significant amounts of time on land and take photos from a perspective other then at lake level:

In summary, I'd say the following words sum up the trip for me: Butterflies, Backflips, Booze, Beauties, Falls and Fashion. We were on the lake for a full week with no shower, except for the natural bathing in a lake, so naturally we were bound to have beauties and fashion. Booze just masked everything, including falls.

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Sneak Preview
This morning Gonzaleska surprised me with a sneak preview and although it goes against my desire to share names, I cannot resist sharing this link…
The Mingles on The Knot
Sunday, June 18, 2006
My Cubicle
To my friends who are locked in cubicles on a daily basis, this is for you:
My Cubicle
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Growing Up
Lately the big news was her Senior Ball and my fashion savvy cousin looked like a shining star. She had her dress picked out long before the dance occurred, and before she had a date. But she was confident. The Senior Ball lived up to all of her expectations and she glowed as she talked about that night. And then last night was graduation…
We all went, and fully expected to see her afterwards in her cap and gown so her self-proclaimed photo-crazy mom could get every shot imaginable. J with parents, J with Mingle, J with Auntie S, and on and on. But after the graduation she was not to be found. In a sea of 500 plus graduates it wasn’t surprising but we still canvassed the local area to find her and saw at least 450 of the kids. Finally she was located near the busses (and far from the football stadium where the ceremony occurred) that were to whisk her and her friends off to grad night. We have never seen J so excited or animated – it was obvious that photos were not on her mind – she was ready to GO. She was chatting amiably with friends and her big smile took up half of her face – it was wonderful to see her so happy. We all said our congratulations, forced her to put the cap and gown on for a few required photos, and then said our goodbyes as she ran back to her friends.
Next year she’s off to college to experience a new adventure, and while I am so excited for her, I really wish we could stop time. Because frankly, I don’t want to grow up!
Congratulations J!!!!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Cabo San Lucas
Before I continue with the good and the bad (from here on known as “funny”), I would like to caveat this by announcing – that we had a fantastic time. That is no lie, Mr. Mingle planned a wonderful trip, and I would go back to Cabo San Lucas in a heartbeat – it was very, very difficult to come home after the nice time that we had. And now…let me take you back to the beginning…
Mr. Mingle planned a 4-night, 5-day trip for the two of us to celebrate our first year anniversary in Cabo San Lucas. We love to travel together, but we also appreciate good deals and he found one. Two things made our trip less expensive:
1) We transferred through Houston (thus adding 5-7 hours onto both our travel days)
2) Our hotel was half-built.
Okay, so the second might sound a little disarming, but we were fully aware of this before we arrived – he had checked out all reviews, and they were positive, despite the construction. What they lacked in building, they made up for in service. The detours through Houston were the biggest downfall of the trip. Not because we were in the air longer, or had layovers in Houston – because we can amuse ourselves and laugh through those - but because they lost my luggage. When we got to Cabo Thursday night, we watched them unload all the bags (it was a small plane) and we watched all the bags get taken away and the luggage cart shut down. Mr. Mingle’s arrived, however mine did not. I was immediately distressed by this because I had nothing to wear except for the clothes I had on and almost everything in the bag was brand new so I thought I’d lost it forever without ever having the chance to wear my new clothes.
On the ride to the hotel I was very sad, which made me even more upset, because at this point I should have been happy, after all, we were in Cabo San Lucas! As I said, we knew the hotel was half-built, so we were not surprised when the taxi drove off into a dirt road, past a half-structure and dropped us off in front of the finished portion by the beach. The lobby was one of the things not built yet, so instead, we checked in at a desk located in the restaurant. There we were greeted by a lovely woman who had good news – the airline had already called and said they found my suitcase which would be delivered late the following day. At that point both of us resisted the urge to leap over the table and hug the woman. Then she said, “I have bad news and good news…” oh..here it comes… “The bad news is we have run out of the studio rooms that you reserved, but the good news is we have given you a free upgrade to a one bedroom suite.” At which point, we were both confused about what the bad news was... “what does that mean?” we asked. That meant that we got a one bedroom suite larger then our apartment, complete with a kitchen, laundry room, two bathrooms and a balcony overlooking the beach. Suite? Sweet!!!
On Friday morning I woke up and was reading on a lounge chair on the balcony while Mr. Mingle continued to sleep. I was enjoying the view, the ocean breeze, and the construction noises in the background when I became aware of a clicking sound that seemed to be getting closer. I turned around and to my surprise found two Mexican construction workers hanging outside my 6th floor balcony hoisting themselves up the building. I quickly departed the balcony, but not without first getting a picture.
Since I didn’t have any of my beachwear, we killed the morning by attending a time share presentation for the place we were staying in and got free breakfast and some other stuff out of it, as well as discounts on our future activities for the weekend. However, we stuck to our guns and did not purchase anything even though they pushed and pushed. Later, I borrowed a shirt and shorts from Mr. Mingle and we walked along the beach to have lunch at The Office, which was supposed to be a fun place. It was obviously located in the party section of the beach. Everyone was tanned and gorgeous and walking around in their little suits with drinks in hand. I felt out of place wearing my husband’s clothes and not feeling glamorous in the least, not to mention we were, by far, the whitest couple on the beach. No worries though – it was just great to be there. My suitcase arrived around 3:00 so we quickly changed into swimsuits and went to the pool complete with a pirate ship in the middle.
On Saturday we had reservations for a snorkeling trip for the afternoon. We went to the wharf to catch our boat and discovered another really nice place in Cabo. The wharf area was beautiful and full of restaurants and fun places to hang out. We caught our boat which came with an open bar and a promise of lunch later in the afternoon. We had a long drive out to the snorkeling beach – probably 45 minutes or so, and I quickly realized that this was going to be a tough day for me. I stopped drinking after one beer when I started to feel seasick. I have never experienced such seasickness in my life… I kept praying that we would get to our destination before I got sick, and luckily we did. I was enjoying the snorkeling and being in the cool water, but still feeling a little queasy, until I accidentally swallowed a large amount of salt water which sent me over the edge. Let’s just say it was unpleasant and I won’t explain further, but luckily no one was around except for Mr. Mingle who was far enough away from me not to get hit… ok, ok, really no more. After that episode I thought I felt better and had some lunch before we took off again for the long journey home. But alas, it wasn’t to be. Some pirates say “yo-ho” when on a boat, but this Mingle said “heave-ho” right over the side. Oh so sick, and unpleasant. I could not wait to get back to dry land. Finally we made it back and somehow I was able to stand enough to get off the boat. It took me awhile to get my strength back, but a little ice cream and a nap helped immensely. The topper to this whole boat trip was the fact that the spray-on sunblock we had was not applied too evenly so the tops of my legs and knees got burnt, and my back looks like a jigsaw puzzle with the red patches asymmetrically appearing around strap lines.
That night I felt much better and was able to enjoy our best dinner out of the whole trip. Mr. Mingle had made special reservations at a boutique hotel called Casa Rafael’s and it was wonderful. The service was impeccable – I think there were 4 or 5 people waiting on us at any one time. There was also a music group playing – a small mariachi band, but with only guitars – no horns. There was a 13 yearold boy in this group who looked like he had been dragged along by his father to occasionally accompany the group with sound effects. All of a sudden, this kid broke out singing with the operatic voice that stunned us – we were amazed. He was also very cheesy and really hammed it up and we enjoyed his performance immensely.
Sunday was our busiest day. First we started off by getting massages and then we rented a sea kayak for two and kayaked out to a place called Lover’s Beach which was quite far away and only accessible by water. We were about a third of the way there when we realized they had sent us out without life jackets. “Oh well, Mingle is a good swimmer” we thought, and carried on. We made it out to the beach with no trouble until we got caught in a mini whirlpool trying to pull up to the beach, but fortunately we didn’t tip and the next wave came and pushed our boat to shore. We walked around this beach for a bit and checked out both sides – the Pacific side and the bay-side. Then we kayaked back. We took a quick break in the pool at a nearby resort where we found a swim-up bar and enjoyed margaritas and ice cream. (As a side note – these do NOT go well together). After this, it was off for parasailing! I have wanted to go parasailing for 14 years, and I was finally going to get my chance. First we were picked up from the beach by a taxi boat which then transferred us to a ski boat in the middle of the bay from which we would parasail. Some other people were already there and while one of them was up in the air we heard a loud crack and then a funny sound. We soon discovered that the fiber glass on the side of the boat had literally cracked in two places and a 4 foot piece of it was flapping around in the breeze. The parasailer came down without incident, but we were worried about the fact that it appeared we had a large hole in our boat. Their boss came out to check the boat out and deemed it unsafe to continue (thank goodness – because I wanted off), and then were put back in a water taxi and transferred to yet another ski boat. Finally I had my chance to parasail, and it was truly amazing. I thought I’d be really frightened, but once I was up there it was so peaceful. They drove us around the bay and I just floated in the air while taking in all the sites, Cabo Bay, our hotel, sea lion rock, the arch, Lover’s Beach…all from a bird’s eye view. I’m so grateful I finally got to go parasailing, and I would do it again.
After Mr. Mingle got his chance to parasail we then went back to our hotel where we relaxed for the rest of the late afternoon by our pool, and then finally into town for one last dinner.
This was an extremely long narrative and if you have read this far – thank you! I had every intention of posting pictures, but am currently having technical difficulties – so those are to come. Our trip was not without its blunders, but as I said in the beginning, all in all it was fantastic. It was so nice to be on vacation together, relaxed and away from work, if only we could have stayed for another week. Mr. Mingle has set the bar very high for our next anniversary.