Friday, September 29, 2006

Diary of a New Employee

Day 1: I had my first day of work today and so far so good. I guess. I was introduced around and everyone seemed pretty nice, although I don’t understand a lot of what they are talking about.

Day 2: I started training on the software that I will be implementing at clients' sites. I can tell that it’s full of good functionality, but it is also confusing and not very user friendly. I think it will take me a long time to truly understand the ins and outs. Especially since it also seems like the other Project Managers also know everything about networking and server set-up as well.

Day 3: I spent more time with JANIE WITH THE LOUD VOICE, who I believe is to be my mentor. She is all-knowing when it comes to the application, even down to minute tech questions that the engineers should be answering. She’s also a very strong Project Manager.

Day 6: My boss – the director of the department - left for a 10 day vacation. I didn’t get to see her much in the first week, but I guess I’ll just keep training on the app with Ms. Random (who I find a little strange) and shadow JWTLV the rest of the time. Still waiting for a cubicle, but at least today I’m in the same suite as the rest of my department.

Day 9: There are only two other Project Managers besides myself and JWTLV: the Russian woman (Russia) and Joy who works in Idaho. When I was hired they told me they would look to me to become manager of this little group, which now confuses me because I see that JWTLV is currently the manager. Makes me a little suspicious.

Day 10: Joy needed to take a sudden leave of absence due to a sick family member. While she’s out the next two weeks I’ll help JWTLV communicate with Joy’s clients. I don’t understand their questions, but I send them nice emails saying I’ll get back to them quickly with the answer – which I do – when someone else gives me the answer. By the way JWTLV made a comment today that I would be her boss one day and she seemed okay with that. I find it weird.

Day 15: Russia left for vacation today so now it’s just JWTLV and I. My boss – the director – returned from vacation. (Oh! I finally got my cube and laptop!)

Day 17: A department-wide meeting was called which JWTLV fore-warned me may be “dramatic”. In this meeting, my boss announced that she is leaving the company to pursue a new opportunity – she is purchasing a wine distribution company. (I’m not sure if this has anything to do with the fact that she just returned from Italy.)

Day 17-19: I continue to do whatever work I can but am a little concerned since my boss was the one who made all the promises of quick promotion at interview time – and now she’s leaving. Fortunately she’s still going to work part time through the end of the year and has agreed to meet with me daily for training. I’m also pacified by the fact that I still have JWTLV to work with. I’m confident in her abilities, and aside from the fact that she sometimes makes my ears bleed, I enjoy her company.

Day 20: JWTLV announced her resignation! What the hell?! Apparently she’s tired and needs a change – she even quit without another job lined up. What am I going to do?? JWTLV will be here for 3 weeks and in that time I guess I’m supposed to suck her brain dry. Am going to Chicago with her too for a couple of days. I sure hope the other Project Managers come back soon.


Kid said...

Cut JWTLVs head off. Put it on your desk and have other folks come by with their Sharpie's and sign. Good clean fun.

sactownkid said...

Scary but maybe this is a great opportunity. To do what I'm not sure, but at least you have your "r" key. Make like a sponge and start absorbing all that knowledge. :)