Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Heart of Communication

It's been far too long since this blog saw a post, so I'm very happy to welcome, for the very first time ever on Donut Fridays - a guest blogger!  Actually, it's two guest bloggers: Mama J and Aunt G.     Mama J is somewhat social media savvy (aka she has a FB account) and Aunt G's specialty is texting emojis. Therefore, when they said they might like to have a blog (but didn't know how to go about it) I suggested they use mine to share their thoughts.   Not really thinking I'd hear much further, I was surprised to receive an email about a week later with the following post.   So, without further ado I introduce you to the first ever blog post from the esteemed team of Mama J and Aunt G:

We’re two sisters-in-law with 40+ years of history together who meet for breakfast once a month to catch up.

Fifty years is a lot of combined experience. We’ve been around for the rotary dial telephone, the typewriter, the introduction of main frames and personal computers, the use of the internet, cell phones and social media. 

But nothing beats good old heart-to-heart conversation.  Where we can see each other’s smiles and grimaces and winks and eye rolls.  This is where you can jump into the middle of someone’s sentence and still hear what they’re saying.  (hard to do on the phone). This is an art with the potential of becoming extinct in the face of texting, tweeting, twittering, game playing and what-all that’s coming down the pike. 

So we like to put the iPhone aside for awhile (except maybe to share a photo or two), order a nice breakfast, and visit.

We like to experience different restaurants for breakfast.  This month’s was interesting (said with a wink and a nod).  It was kind of an upscale, trendy place.  We were surprised by the question from the waitress of whether we’d like a starter while thinking about what to order.   Huh, a starter, before the first meal of the day.  And we were told it might be the scone of the day or a batch of fritters to munch beforehand.  “No thanks.“ But hmm…unnecessary,  but…its a thought.  So of course we caved and ordered a batch of fritters (fancy donut holes) with the idea of taking some home to the boys (fat chance).

Then we decided to be reasonable for the “main meal” and ordered yogurt parfaits with home-made fresh pecan/raisin granola.  We were asked if we’d like bacon too.   “No thanks, just the parfait would be great. “ Now to us “parfait” meant a light meal.  The waitress came with an 8” tall, 4” wide goblet full of what appeared to be an ice cream sundae.  That was pretty funny to us and even to the ladies next to us who laughed and complimented us for being so “good” as to order yogurt – and so much of it.  Unfortunately, what should have tasted like pecans and raisins, mysteriously tasted a lot like bacon. Curious…and kinda yucky.  So we’ll move on.

So now we’re in the planning stages for our next big outing.

Might I recommend sky-diving or flame throwing?  Because I have no doubt that an account of you two trying one of those things would go viral!   Thank you for your contribution and hopefully we'll see more to come!