Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Transportation Hell

Today I was supposed to fly up to Bellingham, WA for work, but first I had to go into the office in SF. I started the day by dragging my suitcase to the bus stop and then carting it to work with me via bus and muni train. All in all, it wasn't that bad (thank god for wheels - they truly are a marvelous invention). I was supposed to leave work to catch BART at 12:45, and around 12:30pm I found out that my flight between Seattle and Bellingham was cancelled due to snow, and the rental car company was inquiring if I still wanted the car since Washington State was putting out a warning to stay off the roads if possible. Apparently the poor Seattle-ites who went to the Seahawks game last night were still trying to get home this morning.

I decided that I would fly to Seattle anyway and then take a bus up to Bellingham, so I dragged my suitcase, and my new computer case (also with wheels) to the BART station and hopped on. (When will wheels be developed that work on stairs?) While on BART I had the brilliant thought to call my customer in Bellingham to make sure they would even be open tomorrow. She confirmed that they were, but expressed concern that I was still coming. We decided that if it was okay with my company I could support her testing requirements over the phone rather then in person tomorrow. By the time I got to the airport, and dragged the bags through the BART turnstile (when will they make BART exits that accommodate bags with wheels?) I was pretty sure that I would not be traveling today. Fortunately my company agreed with me and I made all the calls to postpone my trip.

But I still had to get home. The original plan was to have Mr. Mingle pick me up when I returned home Thursday night - I hadn't intended to come straight home today. Dragged the bags back through the turnstile, back onto BART, to go to the stop nearest my home. The escalator at the station was working but at the top I dragged the heaviest of the two bags over my heal while trying to avoid a petitioner at the top. ouch. (when will they make wheels that are foolproof?)

Now I had to take the first of two busses to get home - the total mileage was maybe 2 miles. Not that far, but too far to drag the bags. Fortunately I got on the first bus immediately and got a seat. The lady driver was one of the surliest, but no harm done and I got off a mile later. Dragged my bags across the street and waited for the second bus. And waited.. and waited. Finally it came and I dragged the bags onto the bus and grabbed the first seat I could.

It was after we started moving that I realized the man to my left was full blown crazy. He started cussing and swearing and talking about all the things he could/should/would if he could do to women. It was as if his angry speaking intensified with the speed of the bus. The faster we went, the crazier he was. When we stopped he was quiet so another unsuspecting soul would sit down. I had to laugh internally when I realized the woman who was sitting directly across from him, seemingly on the other end of his tirade, was blind. The poor woman - I've never seen a blind person move so quickly when her stop came. My bags and I got off a few stops later and tried to wade through little kids waiting to get on. (when will they make wheels that go over kids?) As the bus pulled away, I looked up to see the mother and kids sit down directly across from Mr. Crazy. Those poor, poor children...they may be scarred for a long while.

Two and half hours after leaving work, I was home again and the good news is - I got home earlier then I would on a regular work day - so I have time to blog about it!

1 comment:

Kid said...

I like being the first to comment on your blog entries.

BTW: thanks for the New Year Eve invite. ;)