Hi! Long time no blog!
I must say that the worst thing about getting a job that keeps me busy is not having the time to blog. After JWTLV left the company I got her clients which quadrupled my workload (not hard to do when you only start with 1 client) and sent me traveling.
Shortly after Mr. Mingle and I moved into our new house in the city we were barely around to be able to enjoy it. He's been busy rehearsing for his play (Our Town) which opened last Saturday, and I had to go to Chicago and Phoenix for work, and then perform my duties as a marching instructor on the weekends.
But the good news is, when we are home - we love the house! It's so great not to have any neighbors below or above, and we have our own backyard, garage and laundry room. Oh, and did I mention that our front yard has a picket fence? Yep! But don't let our lush lawn in the front yard fool you - it's just astroturf. A short walk up the hill from our house gives us a grand view of SF which we enjoyed for the first time last weekend when JP was in town for a visit. But, I can't keep talking about the house without giving props to Mini, because without her, we could have never unpacked.
The Start of Unpacking

Helping Mom Put Things On the High Cabinet Shelves
Tired After a Long Day's Work

Thanks to Mini we were able to take a walk and enjoy JP's visit
Mr. Mingle and JP
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