Saturday, June 17, 2006

Growing Up

Last night my “little” cousin graduated from High School. I don’t feel myself getting older until I see kids like J all grown up. And I say “kid” but she is 18. I remember changing her diapers with Fossie when we were just teenagers ourselves. That one night probably scarred us for life when we realized that little babies could cause nuclear explosions in their diapers. I remember J brushing my hair with awe and wonder when she was 3. I remember watching her and a friend floating around the houseboat when they weren’t much older. I remember going to a dance review, and middle school concert. But before I knew it she wore more make-up then me and was far more fashion conscious then I ever was or have been. J was always the youngest by far at family and friends events, which must have been pretty boring for her at times, but she never complained. She was also quieter then most of us and I think preferred just taking in the loud conversation around her rather then participating. After all, it can’t be very interesting for a high-schooler to hear the constant job talk, or the growing aches and pains of her elders.

Lately the big news was her Senior Ball and my fashion savvy cousin looked like a shining star. She had her dress picked out long before the dance occurred, and before she had a date. But she was confident. The Senior Ball lived up to all of her expectations and she glowed as she talked about that night. And then last night was graduation…

We all went, and fully expected to see her afterwards in her cap and gown so her self-proclaimed photo-crazy mom could get every shot imaginable. J with parents, J with Mingle, J with Auntie S, and on and on. But after the graduation she was not to be found. In a sea of 500 plus graduates it wasn’t surprising but we still canvassed the local area to find her and saw at least 450 of the kids. Finally she was located near the busses (and far from the football stadium where the ceremony occurred) that were to whisk her and her friends off to grad night. We have never seen J so excited or animated – it was obvious that photos were not on her mind – she was ready to GO. She was chatting amiably with friends and her big smile took up half of her face – it was wonderful to see her so happy. We all said our congratulations, forced her to put the cap and gown on for a few required photos, and then said our goodbyes as she ran back to her friends.

Next year she’s off to college to experience a new adventure, and while I am so excited for her, I really wish we could stop time. Because frankly, I don’t want to grow up!

Congratulations J!!!!!

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