Monday, July 24, 2006

Calendar Girl Gets Her Mingle On

Calendar Girl: This is a part of my horoscope today
Calendar Girl: All the most auspicious energies of the week—and with Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in a grand water trine, there are lots of 'em—will swirl around you when you're out, getting your mingle on.
Mingle: no way!
Calendar Girl: oh yes way
Calendar Girl: I'll be 'getting my mingle on' only you won't have anything to do with it
Calendar Girl: however,
Calendar Girl: this new development bodes well for a new Phrase of Summer
Calendar Girl: like on Friday?
Calendar Girl: I'm going to Get My Mingle On when we get the birthday cookies
Calendar Girl: I got my Mingle On last Friday too
Calendar Girl: I'd say it'd have to be a planned event
Calendar Girl: so seeing you in the hallway this morning was NOT an instance of 'getting my mingle on'
Calendar Girl: you see?
Calendar Girl: have I given this too much thought?
Calendar Girl: (don't answer that)

Mingle: are you trying to go for another blog mention with this IM chain?
Calendar Girl: no, I hadn't thought about trying to get a blog mention, unfortunately, this is just me
Calendar Girl: but would this qualify for a blog mention?
Mingle: perhaps...
Calendar Girl: so uh, you want a Moroccan mint or anything?
Mingle: now you are thinking...
Calendar Girl: something from the vending machine?
Calendar Girl: a foot massage?
Mingle: no, no - a beverage would be just fine
Calendar Girl: does this mean I've made the blog?
Mingle: does this mean I get a beverage?

What a girl would do to get a Moroccan Mint Tea from Whole Foods…

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