I was speaking to my friend JP a few months ago about her new landlord who seemed a bit crazy. He has these really strict rules in the contract – for example, NO CANDLES. You see, it’s because he’s very scared of fire and is worried that the cats will knock over the candles, thus burning down the whole house. The funny part is JP didn’t even have cats, yet they still couldn’t have candles because of his fear of cats and candles. (She has since gotten two kittens – if you can’t have candles, then you may as well have cats right?) Anyway, we would laugh about this, (as I hear my high-pitch excited voice) “Ah Ha Ha..Cats and Candles, Cats and Candles…oh no, what will we do??”
But now, I take it all back…and I take it very seriously. (hee hee). On Saturday night we had some friends over so I decorated the whole house with candles, including the bedroom. (I was hoping that the gentle candle-light would mask other less inviting things about our place – like the mess).
The first guests arrive and the cats scrambled towards the bedroom. After chatting for a minute, I looked down the hall into our room to see Zimby’s tail smoking over the candle. It was literally sizzling. I think she realized she was on fire at the same time as I did, and leapt onto the bed to get away from the flame on the dresser. Fortunately it just burnt some fur, but did not reach the skin. The strange part was, it was on her tail rather close to her rear, as if she almost sat on the candle. After this, the poor cat was traumatized and never left the bed. But the smell of burning fur lingered on…
So, the moral of the story is, although you may laugh, cats and candles do not a good mix make.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Personal Bests
Today is a good day – it was my last day of Boot Camp. They had tested us in the first class to see how many push-ups we could do (53), how many sit-ups in 60 secs (30 or so) and how fast we could run a mile (over 10 minutes). Today we were tested again, and I’m proud to say that I improved! First I was able to run a mile in 9:25 – which for this non-runner girl, is an absolute record. Then I blew the other ladies in the class away by doing 63 push-ups. (Girl-style – knees on ground). And finally, the sit-ups improved marginally – I think it was around 36. But, overall it just felt so good to see a difference in just 5 short weeks.
Today is a great day – Mr. Mingle finished his last round of finals!! He will now hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Math and English (one of those fortunate souls who uses both sides of his brain). After watching him study so much and so faithfully, for the last couple of years, I’m really proud of his accomplishment. When I was in college, I never studied as hard as him – I can really tell how much he enjoys learning. He was even able to fend off my many attempts to distract him all this time. “Wanna Play? Wanna go on a hike? Wanna go to a movie? Wanna go to a party?” Or course, once in awhile I’d get him to cave, but for the most part he stuck to his guns – and kept at his work. So, Mr. Mingle, my hat goes off to you! “You Are the Wind Beneath my Wings” “We are the Champions” “Celebrate” and all that sappy stuff. I hope you will be able to take a deep breath after today, relax, and just appreciate what you have done.
I will try really hard to stave off the “Honey Do” list for a while to let you have a break. I will try. :)
Today is a great day – Mr. Mingle finished his last round of finals!! He will now hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Math and English (one of those fortunate souls who uses both sides of his brain). After watching him study so much and so faithfully, for the last couple of years, I’m really proud of his accomplishment. When I was in college, I never studied as hard as him – I can really tell how much he enjoys learning. He was even able to fend off my many attempts to distract him all this time. “Wanna Play? Wanna go on a hike? Wanna go to a movie? Wanna go to a party?” Or course, once in awhile I’d get him to cave, but for the most part he stuck to his guns – and kept at his work. So, Mr. Mingle, my hat goes off to you! “You Are the Wind Beneath my Wings” “We are the Champions” “Celebrate” and all that sappy stuff. I hope you will be able to take a deep breath after today, relax, and just appreciate what you have done.
I will try really hard to stave off the “Honey Do” list for a while to let you have a break. I will try. :)
Monday, December 12, 2005
look at me, LOOK AT ME
All right People, listen up! I have colored my hair Auburn. I got my hair cut. I went shopping and bought a lot of new clothes. For me! Why am I telling you this? Because, I haven’t seen you. And the people who do see me regularly have not said a single word. The new coworkers don’t notice or choose to say anything. The fellow musicians in Cabaret do not say anything. Fortunately my husband noticed and has lovingly said that it looks great. And I thought it looked great…yet when no one says a single word – I start to think…does it look that bad??
Last Tuesday, when I came to work, I had long curly hair, almost blonde at the ends due to highlights gone crazy. On Wednesday I came to work with STRAIGHT dark hair, and glossy (thank you hairdresser!), and what reaction did I get? Nothing. I chalked it up to the fact that my coworkers have not known me that long, and do not take much notice when I poke my head around the cube gopher-style. Heck, they don’t even notice that I’m in the office, let alone have different hair.
But I couldn’t handle being invisible, so the next day, I wore a brand new top, not usually intended for work, because it has pink sparkles on it. I, Mrs. Mingle–with–the-now-dark-hair, wore a PINK FLASHY shirt to work. And, not to end there, I even wore lipstick. Oh, glory be – faint now. And what reaction did I get that day? Nothing. Sigh…
It has now gotten to the point where I have emailed my boss to ask her if the new Administrative Assistant (hallelujah we can have envelopes now!) can come take the cube next to me because I’m lonely. And who knows, maybe in 3 months, when I get my hair cut again – she’ll notice.
Last Tuesday, when I came to work, I had long curly hair, almost blonde at the ends due to highlights gone crazy. On Wednesday I came to work with STRAIGHT dark hair, and glossy (thank you hairdresser!), and what reaction did I get? Nothing. I chalked it up to the fact that my coworkers have not known me that long, and do not take much notice when I poke my head around the cube gopher-style. Heck, they don’t even notice that I’m in the office, let alone have different hair.
But I couldn’t handle being invisible, so the next day, I wore a brand new top, not usually intended for work, because it has pink sparkles on it. I, Mrs. Mingle–with–the-now-dark-hair, wore a PINK FLASHY shirt to work. And, not to end there, I even wore lipstick. Oh, glory be – faint now. And what reaction did I get that day? Nothing. Sigh…
It has now gotten to the point where I have emailed my boss to ask her if the new Administrative Assistant (hallelujah we can have envelopes now!) can come take the cube next to me because I’m lonely. And who knows, maybe in 3 months, when I get my hair cut again – she’ll notice.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Letter to Police
Dear Oakland Police,
I am writing to you with a complaint. My husband parks near the West Oakland BART Station so he can take advantage of public transportation and has had nothing but bad luck in that area. In the last year and a half, his car has been broken into twice, stolen twice, and as of Tuesday night he was mugged walking to his car. Fortunately, and for this I will be forever grateful, he is okay, save for a couple of bumps and a missing wallet, which can be replaced. But I do not understand how most of these things can happen in broad daylight, and only a mile from your main Oakland Police Station.
People sometimes ask why we don’t move, or why we keep parking near that station, but we’ve got ourselves a good rental situation, and it doesn’t make sense financially to move at this point. Plus, I refuse to believe that we live in a place where we should be afraid of parking or walking around. Not only afraid, but that we should expect something bad will happen. If there is a known area, where we expect bad things to happen, why is there not more police presence? There is certainly enough police presence in downtown Oakland ticketing cars.
I understand that there is a financial shortage, and that there are worse areas that you have to deal with on a daily basis, but I have some ideas for you to consider:
1)Have some of those meter maids who so aggressively ticket in downtown Oakland patrol the area around the West Oakland BART Station. They may not have a gun, but it could make a person think twice about stealing a car in broad daylight if a vehicle with the ability to radio the Oakland Police drives by.
2)Partner with BART to have a fundraiser in order to build a multi-level parking garage at the BART Station. You may have heard - beginning next week BART will begin charging $5 for their limited parking spaces as is. I’m pretty sure this will mean you will see even more people parking on the surrounding streets. If you build a lot, that is patrolled by the BART police, that is something worth paying $5 for.
3)Check out the local gyms. My husband has had four gym bags stolen – apparently there are a rash of people who want to work out. If you see a thug working out in a shirt that advertises the musical Cabaret – my guess is that it was not his shirt originally.
4)At the very least, before returning to your parking lot at the police station, just drive a few blocks west to patrol the area a little. You might be surprised by what you catch.
A Concerned Wife
I am writing to you with a complaint. My husband parks near the West Oakland BART Station so he can take advantage of public transportation and has had nothing but bad luck in that area. In the last year and a half, his car has been broken into twice, stolen twice, and as of Tuesday night he was mugged walking to his car. Fortunately, and for this I will be forever grateful, he is okay, save for a couple of bumps and a missing wallet, which can be replaced. But I do not understand how most of these things can happen in broad daylight, and only a mile from your main Oakland Police Station.
People sometimes ask why we don’t move, or why we keep parking near that station, but we’ve got ourselves a good rental situation, and it doesn’t make sense financially to move at this point. Plus, I refuse to believe that we live in a place where we should be afraid of parking or walking around. Not only afraid, but that we should expect something bad will happen. If there is a known area, where we expect bad things to happen, why is there not more police presence? There is certainly enough police presence in downtown Oakland ticketing cars.
I understand that there is a financial shortage, and that there are worse areas that you have to deal with on a daily basis, but I have some ideas for you to consider:
1)Have some of those meter maids who so aggressively ticket in downtown Oakland patrol the area around the West Oakland BART Station. They may not have a gun, but it could make a person think twice about stealing a car in broad daylight if a vehicle with the ability to radio the Oakland Police drives by.
2)Partner with BART to have a fundraiser in order to build a multi-level parking garage at the BART Station. You may have heard - beginning next week BART will begin charging $5 for their limited parking spaces as is. I’m pretty sure this will mean you will see even more people parking on the surrounding streets. If you build a lot, that is patrolled by the BART police, that is something worth paying $5 for.
3)Check out the local gyms. My husband has had four gym bags stolen – apparently there are a rash of people who want to work out. If you see a thug working out in a shirt that advertises the musical Cabaret – my guess is that it was not his shirt originally.
4)At the very least, before returning to your parking lot at the police station, just drive a few blocks west to patrol the area a little. You might be surprised by what you catch.
A Concerned Wife
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Mingle Tips
Tip #1
Do not wear a brand new fuzzy white sweater with a black jacket.
Tip #2
If you are going to the gym prior to going to work, do not forget to pack your bra when choosing your clothes for the next day.
Tip #3
Target sells cheap bras and lint removers, and it opens at 8am.
Do not wear a brand new fuzzy white sweater with a black jacket.
Tip #2
If you are going to the gym prior to going to work, do not forget to pack your bra when choosing your clothes for the next day.
Tip #3
Target sells cheap bras and lint removers, and it opens at 8am.
Monday, December 05, 2005
The Latest Play
For the third time in two years I am playing trumpet for the musical Cabaret. One would think I’ve had enough of this play, (and I have), but it just keeps getting more interesting! If one were to give ratings to musicals, the first one in Pleasanton would have been rated PG, the second one in Alameda was PG-13 (a bit more raw and raunchy), and the current one in Berkeley: Rated R.
When they asked me to play they warned me there might be some nudity in the show (no, no, not me) but wow – they weren’t kidding! To quote the first line of someone else’s personal review: “T__s. Lots of t_ts. A bevy of beautiful bouncing b__bs”. (Edited due to the fact that I was suddenly unable to open my own blog page at work. I'm not sure if it blocks pages based on "bad words"....)
Oh yes, ladies are definitely topless in this show! Fortunately someone warned me the night before I was to play because I’m not sure that I could have kept my composure (and kept playing) if I looked up to see six half-naked women. Not just topless, but topless and dancing. What a combo.
But please do not mistake my R-Rating as a bad one. Despite (or because of?) the nudity, the show is outstanding. It’s very well acted and the sets and costumes are wonderful. The only part I would change is the fact that they have stuck the trumpet player in an ugly-ass orange dress. That, is just not fair. I mean, it almost makes me wonder…would I rather be topless, or in an ugly-ass orange dress? Tough call, don’t you think?
I’m proud to be a part of this show, although it’s not something I would recommend to everyone. If you are a fan of musicals, and do not mind some seediness and raunchy behavior in your shows, then check it out. (It runs until the end of January). If the Music Man and Mary Poppins is more your cup-of-tea…then, you may want to skip this one.
When they asked me to play they warned me there might be some nudity in the show (no, no, not me) but wow – they weren’t kidding! To quote the first line of someone else’s personal review: “T__s. Lots of t_ts. A bevy of beautiful bouncing b__bs”. (Edited due to the fact that I was suddenly unable to open my own blog page at work. I'm not sure if it blocks pages based on "bad words"....)
Oh yes, ladies are definitely topless in this show! Fortunately someone warned me the night before I was to play because I’m not sure that I could have kept my composure (and kept playing) if I looked up to see six half-naked women. Not just topless, but topless and dancing. What a combo.
But please do not mistake my R-Rating as a bad one. Despite (or because of?) the nudity, the show is outstanding. It’s very well acted and the sets and costumes are wonderful. The only part I would change is the fact that they have stuck the trumpet player in an ugly-ass orange dress. That, is just not fair. I mean, it almost makes me wonder…would I rather be topless, or in an ugly-ass orange dress? Tough call, don’t you think?
I’m proud to be a part of this show, although it’s not something I would recommend to everyone. If you are a fan of musicals, and do not mind some seediness and raunchy behavior in your shows, then check it out. (It runs until the end of January). If the Music Man and Mary Poppins is more your cup-of-tea…then, you may want to skip this one.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Rainbow Holiday Fair
Ok, Ok, I have to give Ft. Lauderdale a little credit after blasting it with yesterday’s blog. I won’t take the back the fact that the AC in the office is not only freezing the mold out, but my brains as well, however once I left the office last night, the day was saved.
As I walked back to the hotel and wondered what I would do with myself that night:
Option A: Workout/Eat Dinner/Watch TV;
Option B: Don’t workout/Eat Dinner/Watch TV – but then how to kill the additional time?
I was pleased to discover a small street fair right in front of my hotel. Ultimately I was dying to go for Option B anyway, and this gave me an out from the workout, as well as killed time. There weren’t many booths, but the shops were still open and they were serving some food on the street. To be honest it probably was the most sparsely filled street fair (called “Christmas on Las Olas”) that I have ever seen, but there were a lot of people milling about, and four stages for entertainment. I think that almost every elementary school choir in town was performing, as well as other quality entertainment such as the Freedom Flamingo Band, Lambda Choir, and Pioneer Bell Ringers. Really. No Kidding.
So, that was my evening – I spent it wandering around Las Olas street, checking out the quaint shops and listening to some local entertainment along the way. After awhile I left the main street to find a restaurant for dinner that was less crowded and then ultimately ended my evening watching TV in the hotel room.
Ah…business travel…how do people do this all the time?
As I walked back to the hotel and wondered what I would do with myself that night:
Option A: Workout/Eat Dinner/Watch TV;
Option B: Don’t workout/Eat Dinner/Watch TV – but then how to kill the additional time?
I was pleased to discover a small street fair right in front of my hotel. Ultimately I was dying to go for Option B anyway, and this gave me an out from the workout, as well as killed time. There weren’t many booths, but the shops were still open and they were serving some food on the street. To be honest it probably was the most sparsely filled street fair (called “Christmas on Las Olas”) that I have ever seen, but there were a lot of people milling about, and four stages for entertainment. I think that almost every elementary school choir in town was performing, as well as other quality entertainment such as the Freedom Flamingo Band, Lambda Choir, and Pioneer Bell Ringers. Really. No Kidding.
So, that was my evening – I spent it wandering around Las Olas street, checking out the quaint shops and listening to some local entertainment along the way. After awhile I left the main street to find a restaurant for dinner that was less crowded and then ultimately ended my evening watching TV in the hotel room.
Ah…business travel…how do people do this all the time?
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Freezing in Florida

Sunny Florida, my ass. This picture may be blurry, but the point of it is, it's 5:30, and although the sun has not actually gone down yet, it may as well have it's so dark outside. Although still around 80 degrees, it's pouring today. Oh, and in the building where I'm working they are trying to "freeze out the mold" due to the fact that Hurrican Wilma came through a month ago and blew out half the windows. This means that the AC is on max. So, although it's 80 outside, it's probably 60 inside. Thank goodness for a jacket someone loaned me. I can't believe that...I had to borrow a jacket from someone in Florida. I just read where Debbie needs a warmer jacket in Geneva...didn't think I'd have the same problem in Ft. Lauderdale!
Going home tomorrow, and although I hear it's cold and rainy there, at least it should be warmer inside!
Friday, November 25, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Good Plan
When my alarm radio went off this morning it was in the middle of a news broadcast:
"This year, the most heavily traveled day is the last day of Thanksgiving weekend, Sunday November 27"
I'm so glad that's the day I have to fly to Florida.
(sarcasm folks, sarcasm)
Have a Very Happy Thanksgiving with your Friends and Family!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
What's in a Name?
Today I came to work thinking, “why do I have to go to work??” I’m still in limbo as to what it is I’m supposed to be doing here. However, today, there was a significant difference from yesterday. Today, I laughed hard. All day – just giggled. You see, I finally changed to my married name in the corporate email system. Why is this funny you wonder?
The usual set up is: New Last Name (Maiden Name), First Name. However, the IT guy who assisted me changed my name to:
Ingle, MIngle
Yes, if anyone were to actually look for me in the Outlook Global Address Book, they would see Ingle, Mingle. This had me distraught for a few minutes when I realized that the few emails I still receive, would decrease even more if people can’t find me in the address book. I called right away and asked them to change it – and they did – it appears correctly in the address book now. However, whenever I send an email it still says it’s from Ingle, Mingle. And when I login – it says Ingle, Mingle too. My old coworkers are laughing their asses off and are grateful this has happened in time for the holidays. They like to sing “Ingle Bells, Ingle Bells, Mingle all the waaayyy….”
So, now I know why I came to work today -- even if I don’t have any work to do, at least I can still make people laugh.
The usual set up is: New Last Name (Maiden Name), First Name. However, the IT guy who assisted me changed my name to:
Ingle, MIngle
Yes, if anyone were to actually look for me in the Outlook Global Address Book, they would see Ingle, Mingle. This had me distraught for a few minutes when I realized that the few emails I still receive, would decrease even more if people can’t find me in the address book. I called right away and asked them to change it – and they did – it appears correctly in the address book now. However, whenever I send an email it still says it’s from Ingle, Mingle. And when I login – it says Ingle, Mingle too. My old coworkers are laughing their asses off and are grateful this has happened in time for the holidays. They like to sing “Ingle Bells, Ingle Bells, Mingle all the waaayyy….”
So, now I know why I came to work today -- even if I don’t have any work to do, at least I can still make people laugh.
Monday, November 21, 2005
A Japanese Star
A few months ago Mr. Mingle and I volunteered to be actors in a video commercial for my company. It was a video that we were told would be shown in banks all over Japan. We spent about an hour in the bank pretending like we were getting a loan while talking to the friendly bank manager, while my coworkers shot the video from all angles. Truly, we felt like stars - how hard could it be? There was no talking because there was going to be a voiceover, and we just had to look friendly and happy ... "look Dear..it's a loan application...isn't this GREAT?" And then we walked out of the bank hand in hand, so satisfied with our new home loan. (If only it were reality huh?)
Well, today I saw the final video for the first time. It's 16 minutes long and is primarily full of graphics displaying the success of one of the funds, and a lot of words in Japanese. But at 5min.14sec. into the video we get our 5 seconds of fame. No kidding! Five whole seconds! And, what's even better is that there are multiple things happening on-screen at the same time, so the actual viewing box of our fake loan video is an eigth the size of the entire screen. So, Mr. Mingle...when you are watching it later ... DON'T BLINK. But hey - you can now add to your acting resume that you were in a commercial shown nationally in Japan!
Well, today I saw the final video for the first time. It's 16 minutes long and is primarily full of graphics displaying the success of one of the funds, and a lot of words in Japanese. But at 5min.14sec. into the video we get our 5 seconds of fame. No kidding! Five whole seconds! And, what's even better is that there are multiple things happening on-screen at the same time, so the actual viewing box of our fake loan video is an eigth the size of the entire screen. So, Mr. Mingle...when you are watching it later ... DON'T BLINK. But hey - you can now add to your acting resume that you were in a commercial shown nationally in Japan!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Kids these days
I took a kid aside during band rehearsal the other night and yelled at him. It was the most outwardly angry I’ve been towards a kid. First I tried to reason with him…”Do you understand you are at a rehearsal?” “Do you understand everyone around you is playing and yet you are not?” “Do you understand that you are annoying the people next to you who are trying to play?” To all questions, he responded with a smart-ass “yeesss”. At which point I yelled “Grow up! GROW UP!”. I even tried to intimidate him with my one-foot height and 50 lb. weight difference by looking down on him. It was so effective that he was caught screwing around again not 15 minutes later and was told to run a lap by another instructor. I’m so glad I made an impression…
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
My Day, Part 2
Meet with Boss – talk about future projects
Go to lunch with boss at Big Boss expense and insistence
Check emails
Respond to friends
Go to surprise shower for guy in department – wife having baby
Realize no one invited the guy in the department whose wife is having the baby
Return to desk
Plan pizza party for employee leaving tomorrow
Return to shower – someone invited the guest of honor
Return to desk – send out invite for tomorrow’s pizza party
Check emails
Respond to friends
Think about what to have for dinner tonight
Wait for phone to ring
Listen for boss to call my name
Watch the clock
Watch the clock
Watch the clock
Go to lunch with boss at Big Boss expense and insistence
Check emails
Respond to friends
Go to surprise shower for guy in department – wife having baby
Realize no one invited the guy in the department whose wife is having the baby
Return to desk
Plan pizza party for employee leaving tomorrow
Return to shower – someone invited the guest of honor
Return to desk – send out invite for tomorrow’s pizza party
Check emails
Respond to friends
Think about what to have for dinner tonight
Wait for phone to ring
Listen for boss to call my name
Watch the clock
Watch the clock
Watch the clock
My Day
Wake up at 6:30
Make Coffee
Turn shower on cat
Laugh internally so as not to wake husband
Feel bad – towel off cat
Take shower and stretch out the getting ready process as long as possible
Say bye to husband
Trick the cat into staying inside, while exiting
Drive to work - struggle to stay awake
Log in
Check emails
Respond to friends
Talk to boss about vacation schedules and her birthday plans
Get coffee
Think about the work to do today and postpone it so will have something to do later
Eat breakfast
Check emails
Delete junk
Answer phone – spend 15 minutes explaining to coworker how to use Excel
Check email
Check blogs – laugh at dooce.com
Write one email necessary for job – hold off on more work until later
Check email
Hope that friends write or phone rings
Open up the document that will ultimately work on when the time is right
Check email
Think about lunch
Write blog
Make Coffee
Turn shower on cat
Laugh internally so as not to wake husband
Feel bad – towel off cat
Take shower and stretch out the getting ready process as long as possible
Say bye to husband
Trick the cat into staying inside, while exiting
Drive to work - struggle to stay awake
Log in
Check emails
Respond to friends
Talk to boss about vacation schedules and her birthday plans
Get coffee
Think about the work to do today and postpone it so will have something to do later
Eat breakfast
Check emails
Delete junk
Answer phone – spend 15 minutes explaining to coworker how to use Excel
Check email
Check blogs – laugh at dooce.com
Write one email necessary for job – hold off on more work until later
Check email
Hope that friends write or phone rings
Open up the document that will ultimately work on when the time is right
Check email
Think about lunch
Write blog
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Only 5,000 more push-ups to go...
Today I started Boot Camp. No, I did not join the army, however I did sign on with a personal trainer through our gym here at work and am in a 5 week class called "Boot Camp". There are 3 of us women who have agreed to meet twice a week in order to give a fourth woman the opportunity to torture us. And we're paying for it!
I was really nervous prior to this morning's session because I knew she was going to kick my ass, but I survived. I certainly feel like I got a workout, but I also feel like she went "easy" on us since it was our first day - and now I'm dreading Thursday's session. Not only do I think it will be harder, but I'll still be sore from today. We ran, did jumping jacks, push-ups, dips, lunges, sit-ups, crunches, weights - she basically kept us moving for an hour.
The most difficult part was that she wouldn't exactly tell us how many reps we were doing until we were half way into something. For example with running...she said "start running". Of course we all wanted to know how fast, and for how long. So she said "at your own pace", then 2 minutes into it she said "for 12 minutes" (at which point we judge, can I hold this pace for 12 minutes??). And similar with the push-ups..."start doing push-ups", at which point we judge, should I do these quickly? slowly? go all out? when will she say stop?!
I was really nervous prior to this morning's session because I knew she was going to kick my ass, but I survived. I certainly feel like I got a workout, but I also feel like she went "easy" on us since it was our first day - and now I'm dreading Thursday's session. Not only do I think it will be harder, but I'll still be sore from today. We ran, did jumping jacks, push-ups, dips, lunges, sit-ups, crunches, weights - she basically kept us moving for an hour.
The most difficult part was that she wouldn't exactly tell us how many reps we were doing until we were half way into something. For example with running...she said "start running". Of course we all wanted to know how fast, and for how long. So she said "at your own pace", then 2 minutes into it she said "for 12 minutes" (at which point we judge, can I hold this pace for 12 minutes??). And similar with the push-ups..."start doing push-ups", at which point we judge, should I do these quickly? slowly? go all out? when will she say stop?!
I'd like to say I'm going to lose weight because of this, but to be honest I'm just happy to head into the Holiday Season of Eating knowing that I'm exercising. I don't have any plans to change my diet too.
One great thing about the work-out this morning is that I really feel more energized then I have in awhile. However, that may also be because they announced bonuses today. Can anyone say SHOPPING?
Friday, November 11, 2005
Chesty La Rue
I am a marching instructor for a local high school band. There are 250 kids in the band and each week I work with a different group, so unfortunately it’s impossible to remember every kid’s name. I tend to forget the names of the really good, well-behaved kids because well, frankly – we never have to yell at them. However, there are other kids, whose names I never forget, “Jeremy!! Stop moving!” “Matt! Pay Attention!” “Matt! Get Back to your Section!” “Leah! Move! Leah! Move! LEAH!! MOVE!!!”. And then there are others, whose names we remember for very different reasons…
This one girl approached me the other day before rehearsal and said, “Do you know my name?” And I immediately said “Yes, yes I do…but I cannot for the life of me remember it right now… let me get back to you.” She replied, “I know you know it – you said it the other week, and I was surprised.” She didn’t know why the marching instructors (there are 4 of us) would know her name. I assured her that we knew a lot more then she thought we did, and I promised I would remember her name in the next few minutes. What I did not tell her is that the reason I could not remember, nor say her name, is because the second after she asked me, my brain had one thought, “You are the one with the boobs.” This girl continued to ask all of the instructors if they knew her name, and then reported back to me and the lead instructor that, “All of the guys can remember my name, but Mingle can’t.” At which point I wanted to inform her that it was because They were MEN, and have affectionately dubbed her “Boobs McGee”. But of course, they could remember her real name when under pressure, whereas I had to fight down a fit of giggles.
I eventually did remember her real name that night, but continued to chuckle to myself the rest of the evening. And I couldn’t go near her for fear of laughing. So, I focused my energy on Matt that night and from 50 yards away yelled, “Matt! Get off the field!!” Man, that felt good…
This one girl approached me the other day before rehearsal and said, “Do you know my name?” And I immediately said “Yes, yes I do…but I cannot for the life of me remember it right now… let me get back to you.” She replied, “I know you know it – you said it the other week, and I was surprised.” She didn’t know why the marching instructors (there are 4 of us) would know her name. I assured her that we knew a lot more then she thought we did, and I promised I would remember her name in the next few minutes. What I did not tell her is that the reason I could not remember, nor say her name, is because the second after she asked me, my brain had one thought, “You are the one with the boobs.” This girl continued to ask all of the instructors if they knew her name, and then reported back to me and the lead instructor that, “All of the guys can remember my name, but Mingle can’t.” At which point I wanted to inform her that it was because They were MEN, and have affectionately dubbed her “Boobs McGee”. But of course, they could remember her real name when under pressure, whereas I had to fight down a fit of giggles.
I eventually did remember her real name that night, but continued to chuckle to myself the rest of the evening. And I couldn’t go near her for fear of laughing. So, I focused my energy on Matt that night and from 50 yards away yelled, “Matt! Get off the field!!” Man, that felt good…
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Seasons of Love
I am getting really excited about my show this Saturday. “Broadway’s Greatest Moments” – a fundraiser performance for the local theater. In “Big Spender” I have moved on from doing cheesy 80’s poses, and am instead brandishing a riding crop whip. The guy who originally told me he could picture me in Fame is now scared by my dominatrix style impression of a ‘hard chick’, and yet also hopes I’m wearing leather this coming Saturday. And no – this guy is not my husband! (Nor is he even straight for that matter).
It is so fun to be able to act like someone completely different and see the reactions of the people around me. I’m a little concerned that some of the others in the show who don’t know me at all, think that I’m not acting, but am like this all the time at home. And yet, that too is funny in its own way. It also might be a little unnerving if I look out in the audience on Saturday with a scowl on my face and a whip in hand to see my mom, cousin, aunt and uncle gaping back at me with open mouths. “What has become of my daughter??”
Don’t worry Mom, I make it up in the end of the show with my “sweet” solo. I can’t believe it – they actually gave me a singing solo. And last night they switched it up on me, so now I not only have one whole singing line, but two! I’m telling you I’ve got mad singing skillz. Or perhaps it’s the fact that I carry the whip, and the guy I mention above is the music director… "give me a solo dammit!"
Either way, I’m glad for the challenge, and although there’s a possibility I will flop on Saturday, I’ve got a back-up plan: I will smack the ass of the 100 lb. 5 ft tall woman next to me, tell the skinny bitch to stay away from my Big Spender, scowl, and storm off stage. Now that’s acting.
It is so fun to be able to act like someone completely different and see the reactions of the people around me. I’m a little concerned that some of the others in the show who don’t know me at all, think that I’m not acting, but am like this all the time at home. And yet, that too is funny in its own way. It also might be a little unnerving if I look out in the audience on Saturday with a scowl on my face and a whip in hand to see my mom, cousin, aunt and uncle gaping back at me with open mouths. “What has become of my daughter??”
Don’t worry Mom, I make it up in the end of the show with my “sweet” solo. I can’t believe it – they actually gave me a singing solo. And last night they switched it up on me, so now I not only have one whole singing line, but two! I’m telling you I’ve got mad singing skillz. Or perhaps it’s the fact that I carry the whip, and the guy I mention above is the music director… "give me a solo dammit!"
Either way, I’m glad for the challenge, and although there’s a possibility I will flop on Saturday, I’ve got a back-up plan: I will smack the ass of the 100 lb. 5 ft tall woman next to me, tell the skinny bitch to stay away from my Big Spender, scowl, and storm off stage. Now that’s acting.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I swore to myself that I would stop writing about work in my blog, because frankly, I know that it is not very interesting - but darn it – everyday I am amazed by some other new thing I learn about this group. I want to bang my head on the desk in frustration. And, since I started this blog a) because I was bored and b) to talk about things in my life – unfortunately this leaves you with c) my work.
I have not yet figured out where supplies are in my new department, but luckily I came prepared with all the pens, paper, folders etc. that I need for awhile. However today I needed an inter-office envelope because I was sending something to another site of ours. In my old department there would have been a stack of these envelopes next to the out-going basket (they were crazy-logical like that), but I couldn’t find any in this department. So, I asked a woman (who I thought ordered supplies) and she gave me one from her ‘private stash’. Yet when I asked her if there was a stack of them somewhere for future use, she replied, “oh no, we don’t have any. I assume that when we get an Admin Assistant we’ll get envelopes.” Are you kidding me??! I’m not even sure that they are interviewing Admins at this point, let alone hiring one.
I have become very self-sufficient since working at this company, and can pretty much figure out where to find things on my own, so I was going to call the mail room myself to ask them to bring over a stack of inter-office envelopes. I figured I could take 30 seconds of my time to do so, as opposed to waiting months until we get this mysterious new Admin. I checked with another guy in my department to see if his team also needed envelopes, and he said that ‘no’ – he just got a stack for the group, showed me where they were, and then said I could help myself. This made me feel relieved, until he went on to explain that he could not unpack his boxes from the move because he doesn’t have file folders. He too is waiting for an Admin to order those…
I am concerned…are these people helpless? I know how to order supplies (because I asked my old Admin) and I’m tempted to order stuff for the group. But I know that once I do that they will realize that they don’t need an Admin because they have me – and I don’t even want to go there.
OK, that’s enough of the job rant for the day. Tomorrow I will try to come up with something more interesting. Oh, and if you do work in a place that has an Administrative Assistant, go give them a hug, and tell them how much you appreciate them.
I have not yet figured out where supplies are in my new department, but luckily I came prepared with all the pens, paper, folders etc. that I need for awhile. However today I needed an inter-office envelope because I was sending something to another site of ours. In my old department there would have been a stack of these envelopes next to the out-going basket (they were crazy-logical like that), but I couldn’t find any in this department. So, I asked a woman (who I thought ordered supplies) and she gave me one from her ‘private stash’. Yet when I asked her if there was a stack of them somewhere for future use, she replied, “oh no, we don’t have any. I assume that when we get an Admin Assistant we’ll get envelopes.” Are you kidding me??! I’m not even sure that they are interviewing Admins at this point, let alone hiring one.
I have become very self-sufficient since working at this company, and can pretty much figure out where to find things on my own, so I was going to call the mail room myself to ask them to bring over a stack of inter-office envelopes. I figured I could take 30 seconds of my time to do so, as opposed to waiting months until we get this mysterious new Admin. I checked with another guy in my department to see if his team also needed envelopes, and he said that ‘no’ – he just got a stack for the group, showed me where they were, and then said I could help myself. This made me feel relieved, until he went on to explain that he could not unpack his boxes from the move because he doesn’t have file folders. He too is waiting for an Admin to order those…
I am concerned…are these people helpless? I know how to order supplies (because I asked my old Admin) and I’m tempted to order stuff for the group. But I know that once I do that they will realize that they don’t need an Admin because they have me – and I don’t even want to go there.
OK, that’s enough of the job rant for the day. Tomorrow I will try to come up with something more interesting. Oh, and if you do work in a place that has an Administrative Assistant, go give them a hug, and tell them how much you appreciate them.
Monday, November 07, 2005
The Man
In reviewing my blog entries, and considering the fact that I am a new wife, I feel remiss in the fact that I have not once mentioned my husband. I talk about work, cats and “stuff” and yet not one word about the Mister. Honey, is this what drove you to jump out of a plane yesterday?
Yep, Mr. Mingle went skydiving. Of course, I was nervous about this, and would always prefer it if his feet were firmly on the ground – but what am I to say?
“No, you cannot go. You cannot do exciting death-defying things, but must stay at home with me and the cats. Always.”
But no, I could not say this. (Although, secretly deep down – I really, really wanted to.)
As much as I was nervous for him, I was also very excited for him. I also must admit that I think it is pretty cool that my husband has the cajones to jump from a plane, and I didn’t hesitate to tell everyone I spoke to that he was going skydiving. (Did I mention I put it in my blog as well?)
I made him promise to call me when he landed, and to get a video of the event so I could share in the excitement later (on the comfort of my own couch, with a cat in my lap). With a big sigh of relief, all went well, and, after watching the video (in which he yelled “I love you!” some thousands of feet in the air) I am slightly tempted to one day try it for myself.
Way to go Mr. Mingle! Thanks for landing safely.
Yep, Mr. Mingle went skydiving. Of course, I was nervous about this, and would always prefer it if his feet were firmly on the ground – but what am I to say?
“No, you cannot go. You cannot do exciting death-defying things, but must stay at home with me and the cats. Always.”
But no, I could not say this. (Although, secretly deep down – I really, really wanted to.)
As much as I was nervous for him, I was also very excited for him. I also must admit that I think it is pretty cool that my husband has the cajones to jump from a plane, and I didn’t hesitate to tell everyone I spoke to that he was going skydiving. (Did I mention I put it in my blog as well?)
I made him promise to call me when he landed, and to get a video of the event so I could share in the excitement later (on the comfort of my own couch, with a cat in my lap). With a big sigh of relief, all went well, and, after watching the video (in which he yelled “I love you!” some thousands of feet in the air) I am slightly tempted to one day try it for myself.
Way to go Mr. Mingle! Thanks for landing safely.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Ring dammit Ring
First of all, it must be said, Happy Friday! I love Fridays.
Long gone are the Fridays where I would look forward to a late night out with friends and maybe some dancing. Nowadays, a favorite Friday consists of an easy dinner (preferably one that I don't have to cook) and a rented movie. aahh...relaxation. Don't get me wrong...I still appreciate a wild Friday night as well. But when the work week winds down at 5pm, and there’s a busy weekend ahead, a quiet Friday is bliss.
However, as this blog points out, I cannot exactly complain about a super busy work week to wind down from. Today I literally found myself willing the phone to ring. But this time it was different (then the last 30 days). Now I have been given a project. My department wants me to go to Florida in 2 weeks. Why - you might ask? Well..that was the problem...I wasn't too sure. Something about automating something else. And I had set up an appointment to talk to the "one person with all the answers". I was just waiting for her to call.
Happily, she called, and shed a little light on this project 'o mine. However, the "one person with all the answers" prefaced the call with, and I quote from her email, "Just so you know, there's not much info to share yet!"
Oh, the joys of Fridays....
Long gone are the Fridays where I would look forward to a late night out with friends and maybe some dancing. Nowadays, a favorite Friday consists of an easy dinner (preferably one that I don't have to cook) and a rented movie. aahh...relaxation. Don't get me wrong...I still appreciate a wild Friday night as well. But when the work week winds down at 5pm, and there’s a busy weekend ahead, a quiet Friday is bliss.
However, as this blog points out, I cannot exactly complain about a super busy work week to wind down from. Today I literally found myself willing the phone to ring. But this time it was different (then the last 30 days). Now I have been given a project. My department wants me to go to Florida in 2 weeks. Why - you might ask? Well..that was the problem...I wasn't too sure. Something about automating something else. And I had set up an appointment to talk to the "one person with all the answers". I was just waiting for her to call.
Happily, she called, and shed a little light on this project 'o mine. However, the "one person with all the answers" prefaced the call with, and I quote from her email, "Just so you know, there's not much info to share yet!"
Oh, the joys of Fridays....
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Moving Day
OK, I'll admit it. I'm a clutter-bug. Anyone who has ever lived with me can attest to that. I try to straighten, but I think I need to stop fighting it. I just like to have everything close at hand. At work I am the same way. Sure, I have files, and file drawers...but if I'm working on projects, I like to have everything on top of the desk so I can quickly grab it.
However, during my spare time over the last few weeks, I cleaned out everything...on top of the desk, inside the desk...I made nice labels...yes, I geeked out. I also threw out about as much as I kept, so when it came time to pack and move desks, it took about ½ hour to pack, and ½ hour to unpack.
I am now sitting at my new desk, enjoying the cleanliness of it. I know where everything is, and it is all tucked neatly away.
Of course, I know this won’t last. When the work starts coming – the desk will get messier, and I’m just going to accept it. But the great thing is, for the first time – my desk is tucked away from the rest of the department – so now I don’t have to endure the comments from others. Let the clutter begin!
However, during my spare time over the last few weeks, I cleaned out everything...on top of the desk, inside the desk...I made nice labels...yes, I geeked out. I also threw out about as much as I kept, so when it came time to pack and move desks, it took about ½ hour to pack, and ½ hour to unpack.
I am now sitting at my new desk, enjoying the cleanliness of it. I know where everything is, and it is all tucked neatly away.
Of course, I know this won’t last. When the work starts coming – the desk will get messier, and I’m just going to accept it. But the great thing is, for the first time – my desk is tucked away from the rest of the department – so now I don’t have to endure the comments from others. Let the clutter begin!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
It's official!
I finally move to my new department this Thursday. All of my projects are still stalled, but at least they'll see me in person and maybe throw some scraps my way. It's gotten so bad that I have created Excel reports for my old department, "for fun".
However, today was really productive at work, despite the fact that my computer crashed and they took it completely away for an hour. I ordered a gift, mailed packages, figured out which wedding photos to copy, planned the calendar for the next musical I'm performing with.... I'm telling you - I can actually get quite a lot done when I'm not actually working! In fact, last Friday I worked from home and was able to accomplish a 2 and 1/2 hour nap!
It is Halloween and I am bummed that I have not seen a single person in costume. My company doesn't really allow that. But I guess in my own way, I am in costume, because I'm dressed as an employee. My desk even adds to the full effect, since I make sure that there are always papers and binders put out to make it appear that I am very busy if anyone were to walk by.
However, today was really productive at work, despite the fact that my computer crashed and they took it completely away for an hour. I ordered a gift, mailed packages, figured out which wedding photos to copy, planned the calendar for the next musical I'm performing with.... I'm telling you - I can actually get quite a lot done when I'm not actually working! In fact, last Friday I worked from home and was able to accomplish a 2 and 1/2 hour nap!
It is Halloween and I am bummed that I have not seen a single person in costume. My company doesn't really allow that. But I guess in my own way, I am in costume, because I'm dressed as an employee. My desk even adds to the full effect, since I make sure that there are always papers and binders put out to make it appear that I am very busy if anyone were to walk by.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Quotes that make me laugh
I am reading a very good book right now, which I highly recommend: "Everything is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer. It's an amusing story, and the way it's written constantly makes me laugh. The following quotes were in a letter written by a citizen of Ukraine for whom English is his second language, to an author who lives in the US:
"Perhaps if I think something is very half-witted, I could tell you, and you could make it whole-witted."
"You may decide not to read this part, if it makes you a boring person. I would understand, although please do not inform me."
These quotes summarize how I feel about my blog.
"Perhaps if I think something is very half-witted, I could tell you, and you could make it whole-witted."
"You may decide not to read this part, if it makes you a boring person. I would understand, although please do not inform me."
These quotes summarize how I feel about my blog.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Two conversations from today
At lunch
"Congratulations on your new job Mingle!"
"When do you start?"
"Technically, I started on Oct. 1"
"Oh...Why are you still sitting in our department?"
Later on the phone
Mingle: "Hi New Boss, I haven't talked to you since Monday, so I thought I'd check in and tell you I was still here"
New Boss: "Hi Mingle, I don't have much to tell you except that all of our projects are in a holding pattern"
Mingle: "Oh... okay. I don't have much to tell you either..."
"Congratulations on your new job Mingle!"
"When do you start?"
"Technically, I started on Oct. 1"
"Oh...Why are you still sitting in our department?"
Later on the phone
Mingle: "Hi New Boss, I haven't talked to you since Monday, so I thought I'd check in and tell you I was still here"
New Boss: "Hi Mingle, I don't have much to tell you except that all of our projects are in a holding pattern"
Mingle: "Oh... okay. I don't have much to tell you either..."
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
...I'm going to live forever...
We started rehearsing for the "Hey Big Spender" number for the upcoming Best of Broadway show I'm performing in. Basically, the song is sung by prostitutes, and we were given the direction of, "you are a bunch of hard women". Great. We learned the dance on Monday which consists of us doing a lot of "sexy poses". Of course, if you know me, you also know that that is not really my forte. (Does anyone remember the "silly dancing" audition from a couple of years ago?) But this time, I decided to go for it, and I must admit it helps to be one of the youngest people on stage. Last time, during "silly dancing", I was the oldest, tallest, most uncoordinated one - so now - I feel like a princess! Um no... a hard, bad-ass chick, doing sexy poses.
Anyway, I'm getting into it and enjoying the song when the "real" dancers from the show go on break from another number and start watching us rehearse. One of them says to the others, "Check out Mingle's pose - I keep thinking she's in Fame, and a bunch of water is going to get dumped on her any minute." Does that mean I'm hot?? Or just pathetically posing in an 80's sort of way? Either way, they noticed me, and that means I will cheese it up for all its worth. Did I mention I'm front and center? "Fame!"
Anyway, I'm getting into it and enjoying the song when the "real" dancers from the show go on break from another number and start watching us rehearse. One of them says to the others, "Check out Mingle's pose - I keep thinking she's in Fame, and a bunch of water is going to get dumped on her any minute." Does that mean I'm hot?? Or just pathetically posing in an 80's sort of way? Either way, they noticed me, and that means I will cheese it up for all its worth. Did I mention I'm front and center? "Fame!"
Step 2
After taking the initial steps of starting a blog, when you have nothing else to do - then the question begs - what do you write about?? I have nothing to do!
So, I will write about my cat.
I have a 5 and 1/2 month old kitten who we call "Mini-Z", or "Mini" for short. We call her this because she is a minature version of our older cat, "Zimby". Both are all black, with no distinguishing marks accept for the fact that Zimby's whiskers are now grey.
Back to Mini - up until about 2 days ago, I thought she was the cutest thing who could do no wrong. Even when she climbed up the curtains it was cute. (Because they are ugly and I hate them.) She is an indoor cat, who has decided, on her own accord, that she would now like to be an outdoor cat. We know this because she stands at the back-door and cries constantly. This big gutteral cry that makes even the other cat cringe. She's fixed too - so we can't blame it on the fact that she's in heat. Whenever heat is.
She took her desire to be an outdoor cat to new heights last night when I came home to find the screen to one of our windows broken and lying on the ground outside. It never once occured to me that someone might have broken into the house. Right away I just muttered to myself, "Mini...".
I had about a half second of concern when I thought she may have run away, when she skirted into the door the minute I unlocked it. It was questionable whether she was on the outside and came in with me (since I didn't see her), or whether she was waiting on the inside. However, considering she was covered in cobwebs and her tail was all fluffy from fright, I'm guessing she was out.
Our window screen is now broken completely in half and we can't open that window until it is fixed. And one question remains...do they sell Prozac for cats?
So, I will write about my cat.
I have a 5 and 1/2 month old kitten who we call "Mini-Z", or "Mini" for short. We call her this because she is a minature version of our older cat, "Zimby". Both are all black, with no distinguishing marks accept for the fact that Zimby's whiskers are now grey.
Back to Mini - up until about 2 days ago, I thought she was the cutest thing who could do no wrong. Even when she climbed up the curtains it was cute. (Because they are ugly and I hate them.) She is an indoor cat, who has decided, on her own accord, that she would now like to be an outdoor cat. We know this because she stands at the back-door and cries constantly. This big gutteral cry that makes even the other cat cringe. She's fixed too - so we can't blame it on the fact that she's in heat. Whenever heat is.
She took her desire to be an outdoor cat to new heights last night when I came home to find the screen to one of our windows broken and lying on the ground outside. It never once occured to me that someone might have broken into the house. Right away I just muttered to myself, "Mini...".
I had about a half second of concern when I thought she may have run away, when she skirted into the door the minute I unlocked it. It was questionable whether she was on the outside and came in with me (since I didn't see her), or whether she was waiting on the inside. However, considering she was covered in cobwebs and her tail was all fluffy from fright, I'm guessing she was out.
Our window screen is now broken completely in half and we can't open that window until it is fixed. And one question remains...do they sell Prozac for cats?
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Step 1
What do you do when you are keep yourself busy with activities 3 to 6 nights a week, not to mention a full time job during the day, and then find yourself with free time all of a sudden? You start a blog....
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