Monday, November 07, 2005

The Man

In reviewing my blog entries, and considering the fact that I am a new wife, I feel remiss in the fact that I have not once mentioned my husband. I talk about work, cats and “stuff” and yet not one word about the Mister. Honey, is this what drove you to jump out of a plane yesterday?

Yep, Mr. Mingle went skydiving. Of course, I was nervous about this, and would always prefer it if his feet were firmly on the ground – but what am I to say?

“No, you cannot go. You cannot do exciting death-defying things, but must stay at home with me and the cats. Always.”

But no, I could not say this. (Although, secretly deep down – I really, really wanted to.)

As much as I was nervous for him, I was also very excited for him. I also must admit that I think it is pretty cool that my husband has the cajones to jump from a plane, and I didn’t hesitate to tell everyone I spoke to that he was going skydiving. (Did I mention I put it in my blog as well?)

I made him promise to call me when he landed, and to get a video of the event so I could share in the excitement later (on the comfort of my own couch, with a cat in my lap). With a big sigh of relief, all went well, and, after watching the video (in which he yelled “I love you!” some thousands of feet in the air) I am slightly tempted to one day try it for myself.

Way to go Mr. Mingle! Thanks for landing safely.

1 comment:

sactownkid said...

Yay, Mr. Mingle! That is one brave man!