Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Here's An Idea

Madam Boss Lady called me into her office yesterday to ask my opinions on what she should bring up at her 2-Day meeting with her boss and counterparts to discuss the future of our grand ol’ department.

I initially started by dancing around a few different issues that I see here, and then finally fell into a 15 minute period of verbal diarrhea where I unloaded such phrases as “I’m not very happy here”, “This department is dysfunctional”, “It’s an extremely negative environment”, “I like some of the work that I do, but that will only get me so far…”, and one of my personal favorites, “I go to the Dublin office to get away from here” (usually I just tell them it’s to save gas), and so it went...

I was actually quite surprised by how calmly she sat and listened to me without putting on one of her facial expressions that I call ‘disgust’. We then discussed the situation a little bit more, until finally it wrapped up by her saying, “Well, I completely agree with you and I’m unhappy too. And although I should probably be more positive with you, I don’t see things ever improving either.”

Ok then! That was pretty much the last straw that I needed to kick me into job-hunt land. Why stay at a job that shows no sign of improving? Even after our long painful discussion she pretty much said that she didn’t see the point of her 2-Day Management meeting and probably wouldn’t say anything. I told her at the very least she could bring me back some free coffee.

Today I am sitting in Dublin (“to save gas”) as I write this. I have to go back tomorrow, but considering nothing will change, at least I know what to expect. However, now I have an idea of something to work on thanks to a well-timed article a coworker sent to me from The Onion.

No, I will not be putting together a suicide note Powerpoint presentation, but perhaps a Resignation Presentation would be appropriate. Mine might have four categories too… like, “Why I Quit”; “Why you Suck”; “Why this department will fold in under a year”; and “Ha Ha I was Right”, although I am open to suggestions…


sactownkid said...

K, that Onion article was HILARIOUS. So so funny. Not so funny is your job sitch. I think you are right to start the search and jump ship ASAP. Good luck......and hopefully you'll get that free coffee!

Costa Rica Chica said...

Ok, I'd never read an Onion article before...so it took til about the third comment for me to get it was a joke. At first I just couldn't believe they were quoting people saying that stuff after someone had offed themselves. That was funny!