Day 1: I had my first day of work today and so far so good. I guess. I was introduced around and everyone seemed pretty nice, although I don’t understand a lot of what they are talking about.
Day 2: I started training on the software that I will be implementing at clients' sites. I can tell that it’s full of good functionality, but it is also confusing and not very user friendly. I think it will take me a long time to truly understand the ins and outs. Especially since it also seems like the other Project Managers also know everything about networking and server set-up as well.
Day 3: I spent more time with JANIE WITH THE LOUD VOICE, who I believe is to be my mentor. She is all-knowing when it comes to the application, even down to minute tech questions that the engineers should be answering. She’s also a very strong Project Manager.
Day 6: My boss – the director of the department - left for a 10 day vacation. I didn’t get to see her much in the first week, but I guess I’ll just keep training on the app with Ms. Random (who I find a little strange) and shadow JWTLV the rest of the time. Still waiting for a cubicle, but at least today I’m in the same suite as the rest of my department.
Day 9: There are only two other Project Managers besides myself and JWTLV: the Russian woman (Russia) and Joy who works in Idaho. When I was hired they told me they would look to me to become manager of this little group, which now confuses me because I see that JWTLV is currently the manager. Makes me a little suspicious.
Day 10: Joy needed to take a sudden leave of absence due to a sick family member. While she’s out the next two weeks I’ll help JWTLV communicate with Joy’s clients. I don’t understand their questions, but I send them nice emails saying I’ll get back to them quickly with the answer – which I do – when someone else gives me the answer. By the way JWTLV made a comment today that I would be her boss one day and she seemed okay with that. I find it weird.
Day 15: Russia left for vacation today so now it’s just JWTLV and I. My boss – the director – returned from vacation. (Oh! I finally got my cube and laptop!)
Day 17: A department-wide meeting was called which JWTLV fore-warned me may be “dramatic”. In this meeting, my boss announced that she is leaving the company to pursue a new opportunity – she is purchasing a wine distribution company. (I’m not sure if this has anything to do with the fact that she just returned from Italy.)
Day 17-19: I continue to do whatever work I can but am a little concerned since my boss was the one who made all the promises of quick promotion at interview time – and now she’s leaving. Fortunately she’s still going to work part time through the end of the year and has agreed to meet with me daily for training. I’m also pacified by the fact that I still have JWTLV to work with. I’m confident in her abilities, and aside from the fact that she sometimes makes my ears bleed, I enjoy her company.
Day 20: JWTLV announced her resignation! What the hell?! Apparently she’s tired and needs a change – she even quit without another job lined up. What am I going to do?? JWTLV will be here for 3 weeks and in that time I guess I’m supposed to suck her brain dry. Am going to Chicago with her too for a couple of days. I sure hope the other Project Managers come back soon.
Friday, September 29, 2006
No Joke
I wasn't kidding when I wrote The Cast Off and to prove it, here is the email that Ms. Random sent out to everyone today:
"Yep, this is the day you have all been waiting for. I've put out markers just inside my cube and my old cast is waiting for YOUR signature. It presently comes in two pieces so two people may sign it at one time! No words of wisdom are necessary, just YOUR signature. Once this work of art is completed, it will reside in my cube as a flower vase. Come one, come all. If I missed anyone that interacts with [Our Group], please let me know. If you were out of town when I sent this, come on over when you return. The more signatures and color on the CAST of characters, the more beautiful it will be. Don't make me come to you - because I will!"
Right now, I am very, very frightened....a flower vase??!!
"Yep, this is the day you have all been waiting for. I've put out markers just inside my cube and my old cast is waiting for YOUR signature. It presently comes in two pieces so two people may sign it at one time! No words of wisdom are necessary, just YOUR signature. Once this work of art is completed, it will reside in my cube as a flower vase. Come one, come all. If I missed anyone that interacts with [Our Group], please let me know. If you were out of town when I sent this, come on over when you return. The more signatures and color on the CAST of characters, the more beautiful it will be. Don't make me come to you - because I will!"
Right now, I am very, very frightened....a flower vase??!!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Geeks that Make Me Proud
I thought I'd try posting something new to my blog site - a video! This is an SNL skit which some of you may have seen, but if not - enjoy. |
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
My Life In Boxes
The contents of a large entertainment center
Linen Closet Stuff
2 Nightstands worth of junk
Hanging Things
Sleeping Bags, Pads, and other similar objects
An office full of crap
27 boxes full of Heavy-Ass Shit
And we still have to pack our kitchen, clothes, and bathroom items…
But the good news is – we are moving!
Signed a lease for a house in San Francisco last Friday, started packing Saturday and move in less then two weeks.
Can’t Wait!!!
And now… back to packing up the rubbish.
Linen Closet Stuff
2 Nightstands worth of junk
Hanging Things
Sleeping Bags, Pads, and other similar objects
An office full of crap
27 boxes full of Heavy-Ass Shit
And we still have to pack our kitchen, clothes, and bathroom items…
But the good news is – we are moving!
Signed a lease for a house in San Francisco last Friday, started packing Saturday and move in less then two weeks.
Can’t Wait!!!
And now… back to packing up the rubbish.
Monday, September 25, 2006
The Cast Off
One of my coworkers, Ms. Random, had a cast on her leg, from just below her knee down over her foot when I first started working here. Then last week it was removed and replaced with a soft cast. She wanted to keep the cast, so that now, people can sign it. She said that they cut out all of the innards– and now it’s mainly just the hard outside. As I walked by her desk just now I saw that it is sitting on the desk. Personally I find this gross – is it just me? She was walking around in the cast for 6 weeks, and now it’s sitting on her desk. I don’t care if the stinky insides are gone – it’s dirty. I would never even throw dirty socks that I wore for an hour on my desk, even if “my foot only touches the inside”. Tell me, does this seem strange to anyone else?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Good Things Come in FouRRRRs
Yesterday I got my laptop, my cubicle and my phone. But the fun didn’t stop there! Today I received a new wireless mouse with the coolest extra button I’ve ever seen. It brings up a box on the screen that magnifies everything that falls within it and you can move it all around the screen. Where was this nifty feature during the days of FT spreadsheets????
For extra amusement, the power cord that came with my new laptop already had a label affixed to it with my name. It reads, “Meghan Meghan”.
But to pay homage to that which came before… thank you dear R key for the good times….
For extra amusement, the power cord that came with my new laptop already had a label affixed to it with my name. It reads, “Meghan Meghan”.
But to pay homage to that which came before… thank you dear R key for the good times….

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The Little Rockstar That Could

As I mentioned at the beginning of the summer, Rockstar Supernova was on the Mingle House TV Line-up. It was the only show that both Mr. Mingle and I sat down and watched religiously from the first episode to last night's finale. About a week before the first episode we saw the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Johnny Depp and from the first time we saw Lukas Rossi, he reminded us of an Oompa Loompa. Who wants to see an Oompa Loompa hopping around onstage for two hours? Not this kid.
From the beginning we were big fans of Dilana and Mr. Mingle and I would often discuss what a great addition she'd make to the band. It seemed she was unstoppable, until of course, 'the breakdown', when she self-combusted at a press junket. Even so though, she got back on track, and performance-wise she was unbeatable in my book. I would have paid to see her in concert just to see what came next.
It came down to Lukas and Dilana in the final two, and I agree that they were the best two choices for the band, as long as Dilana won. But alas no matter how much discussion between Mr. Mingle and I, or how much Lukas looks like an Oompa Loompa, the band chose Lukas.
What were they thinking???!
Blame Canada
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Dreaming of Work
I have officially made it through the first week of work - make that exactly 6 days of work. Despite the whole cubicle and laptop situation, I have been trying to absorb as much information as I can. I’ve been attending meetings, getting trained, shadowing. Up until Thursday however, the big problem with all of this is it was putting me to sleep. Literally. It’s not that it was boring, it’s just…I guess a combination of too much new information, but no real stimulation. I began standing up in meetings to avoid falling asleep. Even talking one–on–one to people in their cubes I would have to stand, eat chocolate, hold my eyes real wide, and have the constant intravenous coffee drip going. I felt like I was in college all over again, - because I fell asleep in almost every single class I took at Davis. Regardless of if I was tired walking in – there always came a point when no matter how much caffeine I had, how many crosswords I brought with me, or snacks, I would drop off to sleep, literally while taking notes. If you were to look at my college notebooks it would look something like this – AND I QUOTE – “In 1945 the political theory of.. flowers…(fell asleep here).” Because not only did I fall asleep in class – and keep record of it in my notes - on occasion I actually wrote something from a dream rather then what the professor said. Oh, but I digress…
My total tiredness came to a head on Wednesday when I had to sit in on a two hour conference call with the Russian Woman*. The Russian Woman was talking into a polycom and walking the customer on the other end through a configuration document. I really needed to pay attention to this because it is what I will do very soon. I was avidly listening and taking notes for the first hour, when the doze potential started kicking in. I stood up, I sat down, I stood up, I paced around, I sat down. I got cold – left the room to get my jacket and shook my head to try to clear the cobwebs as I left the room. I came back, sat down. Stood up, paced around… you can see where this is going. Fortunately the Russian Woman seemed non-plussed by my movement, and also did not notice when finally 10 minutes before the meeting ended I could not control it any longer and……eyes.. Huh? What?
It was after this, that I sent an email to my friend JP and said that I needed to ask my boss some burning questions before she left on vacation:
1) When will I get my laptop?
2) When will I get my cubicle?
3) When will they start putting me to work?
4) Can I have a cot?
JP suggested that I switch the approach and say, “Listen, either you give me a cot, or you put me to work, I’ll leave it up to you.”
I thought that was excellent advice, but fortunately it didn’t come to that. On Thursday before I left for the day my boss and the project manager guru whom I’ve been shadowing met to discuss what to do with me for the next few weeks. They decided that I’m picking up stuff quickly and that it might be good to give me my own client. Which they did! They came to tell me that my first client will be in Oregon. Hooray!!! At that point, I don’t know if I was happier about the fact that I get to go to work, or that I get to go to Oregon. I did keep my wits about me enough not to exclaim to the boss, “that’s great news, because I have friends up there!” Instead, I thanked her, and eagerly came to work on Friday refreshed. And not once, did I doze.
*In regards to the Russian Woman… when I first met her I knew that she was either from Russia or somewhere else in Eastern Europe but I wasn’t exactly sure. However I figured it out yesterday when I saw her cube. She had 3 still-life photos hanging on her cube walls, which had one prominent thing in common: Vodka. It was right then when I knew – she’s Russian.
My total tiredness came to a head on Wednesday when I had to sit in on a two hour conference call with the Russian Woman*. The Russian Woman was talking into a polycom and walking the customer on the other end through a configuration document. I really needed to pay attention to this because it is what I will do very soon. I was avidly listening and taking notes for the first hour, when the doze potential started kicking in. I stood up, I sat down, I stood up, I paced around, I sat down. I got cold – left the room to get my jacket and shook my head to try to clear the cobwebs as I left the room. I came back, sat down. Stood up, paced around… you can see where this is going. Fortunately the Russian Woman seemed non-plussed by my movement, and also did not notice when finally 10 minutes before the meeting ended I could not control it any longer and……eyes.. Huh? What?
It was after this, that I sent an email to my friend JP and said that I needed to ask my boss some burning questions before she left on vacation:
1) When will I get my laptop?
2) When will I get my cubicle?
3) When will they start putting me to work?
4) Can I have a cot?
JP suggested that I switch the approach and say, “Listen, either you give me a cot, or you put me to work, I’ll leave it up to you.”
I thought that was excellent advice, but fortunately it didn’t come to that. On Thursday before I left for the day my boss and the project manager guru whom I’ve been shadowing met to discuss what to do with me for the next few weeks. They decided that I’m picking up stuff quickly and that it might be good to give me my own client. Which they did! They came to tell me that my first client will be in Oregon. Hooray!!! At that point, I don’t know if I was happier about the fact that I get to go to work, or that I get to go to Oregon. I did keep my wits about me enough not to exclaim to the boss, “that’s great news, because I have friends up there!” Instead, I thanked her, and eagerly came to work on Friday refreshed. And not once, did I doze.
*In regards to the Russian Woman… when I first met her I knew that she was either from Russia or somewhere else in Eastern Europe but I wasn’t exactly sure. However I figured it out yesterday when I saw her cube. She had 3 still-life photos hanging on her cube walls, which had one prominent thing in common: Vodka. It was right then when I knew – she’s Russian.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The Cubicle Saga
My boss tells me that I am supposed to be sitting in a cubicle in the corner where another guy (the English Guy) is currently located. He is supposed to be moving to the other suite (where I am temporarily located). The woman I am supposed to sit next to, shadow, and train with says that the English Guy will probably be very excited to move.
A random employee tells me that "No" I will not be getting the English Guy's cube because he doesn't want to move. According to her, she is moving to a different cube, and I will get her old cube.
Later I mention to my boss that I am getting conflicting information about where I am to sit. She tells me that the random employee is wrong and that she will be sorting this out with the CFO who is supposed to tell the English Guy he's moving. Later in the day the boss tells me that the English guy will be told on Tuesday that he needs to vacate his cube by Wednesday.
The CFO stops by to apologize for the delay and explains that he's "sorry that I don't have my permanent space yet. A couple of people didn't show up for work so they didn't feel they could be evicted from their cubes until they saw them face to face." He thinks I should be in my space by Thursday.
No word.
Random employee shows up to tell me that I should be sure to take the chair I'm currently sitting in. She explains that I should quietly remove it from the suite I am in to the other suite where the cube is. I explain to her that I have already placed an order for a proper office chair because I don't really want to continue sitting in the 80s style kitchen chair with the wooden arms and no wheels. But thanks anyway. Random then says that "they" are on the case, and are trying to get me my cube (aka her old cube). My boss comes out and says that Random is incorrect and well.. go away.
Considering it's only Thursday, I can't comment yet. But my boss is now officially out of the office until September 20.
My boss tells me that I am supposed to be sitting in a cubicle in the corner where another guy (the English Guy) is currently located. He is supposed to be moving to the other suite (where I am temporarily located). The woman I am supposed to sit next to, shadow, and train with says that the English Guy will probably be very excited to move.
A random employee tells me that "No" I will not be getting the English Guy's cube because he doesn't want to move. According to her, she is moving to a different cube, and I will get her old cube.
Later I mention to my boss that I am getting conflicting information about where I am to sit. She tells me that the random employee is wrong and that she will be sorting this out with the CFO who is supposed to tell the English Guy he's moving. Later in the day the boss tells me that the English guy will be told on Tuesday that he needs to vacate his cube by Wednesday.
The CFO stops by to apologize for the delay and explains that he's "sorry that I don't have my permanent space yet. A couple of people didn't show up for work so they didn't feel they could be evicted from their cubes until they saw them face to face." He thinks I should be in my space by Thursday.
No word.
Random employee shows up to tell me that I should be sure to take the chair I'm currently sitting in. She explains that I should quietly remove it from the suite I am in to the other suite where the cube is. I explain to her that I have already placed an order for a proper office chair because I don't really want to continue sitting in the 80s style kitchen chair with the wooden arms and no wheels. But thanks anyway. Random then says that "they" are on the case, and are trying to get me my cube (aka her old cube). My boss comes out and says that Random is incorrect and well.. go away.
Considering it's only Thursday, I can't comment yet. But my boss is now officially out of the office until September 20.
No mention of whether the English guy has actually been told to move yet, and frankly I haven't even met the poor guy. I'm afraid to since I feel like he's going to hate me. Anyone want to take bets on when I'll actually get my permanent home away from home?
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The Raptop
On my first day at work, I was in a meeting with my boss and some others when the subject of my laptop first came up. "When will Mingle get her computer?" "What kind of computer did you order?" "What?" "Did you fill out the form?" "The new employee form? yes?" "No, there's another form now - to request her computer - did you fill that out?" "No, no one told me about a new form." "Oh, there's a new form." "Oh." As the computer discussion continued around me, I think that I heard I would be getting an HP because it has a nice wide screen. But since it has a nice wide screen, then I would not be getting a new flat panel monitor to go with it. Beggars can't be choosers.
On the second day a tech guy came by - and let me stress one of the two tech guys came- which is something I'll need to get used to in this small company - with an old IBM laptop. This is the conversation that followed:
I have yet to get the other laptop, or hear about it. I don't know what's going on. I also don't know what's going on with my cube - but that's a different story...
On the second day a tech guy came by - and let me stress one of the two tech guys came- which is something I'll need to get used to in this small company - with an old IBM laptop. This is the conversation that followed:
9am -
Tech Guy: Here's your laptop. Unfortunately as I was setting it up for you the R key came off but I was able to pop it back on. However, it may fall off again.
Tech Guy: Here's your laptop. Unfortunately as I was setting it up for you the R key came off but I was able to pop it back on. However, it may fall off again.
Mingle: oh. thanks.
The R key falls off as he's typing in the password. He then spends a good amount of time trying to put the R back to no avail.
Mingle: Is this a loaner laptop?
Tech Guy: No - this is your laptop.
Mingle: Oh... hmm... I might need the R key.
Tech Guy: Do you want me to put a little glue on it? It might be uneven but it could work.
Mingle: Well.. the R could come in handy... ha know if I'm travelling... I'd hate to lose the R when I'm taking my laptop somewhere... (what the f...?!)
Tech Guy: Okay - I'll take the R back to my desk and find some glue.
4pm -
Mingle: Hey Tech Guy - before you go on vacation next week - can I have my R key back?
Tech Guy: What? Oh that's right - I was supposed to attach that for you. By the way I found out you are getting another laptop.
TG then hands me one of the most ancient keyboards and mouse I've seen in awhile.
Tech Guy: This mouse won't actually work with the laptop because it doesn't have a USB connection. But it will work with the docking station. Did I give you one of those?
I have yet to get the other laptop, or hear about it. I don't know what's going on. I also don't know what's going on with my cube - but that's a different story...
A New Beginning
Last Thursday I started my new job at BS and so far so good. I guess. It's been kind of a slow start, but so far everyone I have met is really nice, and they work hard, so that's something new. They are kind of slow to give me a cube, a computer, direction... but I still have hope. My first day of work really felt like the first day at a brand new school. I was waiting at the bus stop with my banana, granola bar and water, wondering if the "kids" would be nice to me once I started. Mr. Mingle even sent me a text message asking if I remembered my Trapper Keepers and I had a moment of panic when I realized I didn't. Where would I keep all of my stuff??
Little did I know that this would become more of an issue as it became clear that I didn't yet have a cubicle and therefore nowhere to keep my stuff. I started to panic, but then be patient, afterall - I didn't get moved into my last cube at FT until at least a month after working for the new department (hence the reason this blog ever started in the first place!). Speaking of blogging, I also don't have a permanent laptop assigned to me so I don't yet feel confident blogging from work (although I was pleased to discover that the loaner laptop does have Spider Solitaire). So, to make up for it, I've been taking notes as I ride to and from work - just so I don't miss anything that I find amusing during the day.
And now, as I sit at home about to type my first blog since starting at BS - I realize I have left my trusty notebook at work, in the temporary cube next to the loaner laptop and can only think: - dear god - i hope no one reads it.
Little did I know that this would become more of an issue as it became clear that I didn't yet have a cubicle and therefore nowhere to keep my stuff. I started to panic, but then be patient, afterall - I didn't get moved into my last cube at FT until at least a month after working for the new department (hence the reason this blog ever started in the first place!). Speaking of blogging, I also don't have a permanent laptop assigned to me so I don't yet feel confident blogging from work (although I was pleased to discover that the loaner laptop does have Spider Solitaire). So, to make up for it, I've been taking notes as I ride to and from work - just so I don't miss anything that I find amusing during the day.
And now, as I sit at home about to type my first blog since starting at BS - I realize I have left my trusty notebook at work, in the temporary cube next to the loaner laptop and can only think: - dear god - i hope no one reads it.
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