Thursday, February 27, 2014

Socks and Carrots

Of all house chores, the one I actually like is folding clothes. This is mainly because I watch TV while folding and therefore feel like I'm being constructive (when really I am using it as an excuse to watch TV without guilt). The problem though is that all these folded clothes need to be put away and I hate that. I'm not proud of this but folded clothes have been known to reside on our couch for days at a time. 

Socks are the worst. With four people in the house it seems like everyone wears three pairs a day for the amount we fold. And we seem to have twenty single socks with no matches at any given point in time. (seriously though ...where do all those socks disappear to?!)

Recently I encouraged Jingle to help put his own clothes away so that's a good step. (Mr. Mingle knows how to put his clothes way too.) And, we recently came up wih 'sock basketball' where we open the drawers and start throwing the socks in from across the room. This has definitely made the chore more fun and Jingle will help. I also have been known to play sock basketball when I am home alone too...

Tonight J and I had a big game of it with everyone's socks. He was the shooter while I was the rebounder. While we were busy doing this, Daddy, Grandma and Savvy were playing with circus themed finger puppets in the other room. There are six animals and Savvy calls them by their proper animal names...'bird', 'elephant', 'giraffe'....but the bear she calls Carrot. Here's a picture of Carrot:

Kids can be so wonderfully clever and helpful sometimes.

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