Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lack of Concentration

I am having some trouble focusing on this job hunt of mine.   On one hand it is so nice that everything is at our fingertips with the computer and internet, but on the other hand EVERYTHING is at our finger tips.  Today I planned to spend a majority of the day in front of the computer looking for a new job, but I find myself constantly distracted.

It started this morning.  Once the kids were dropped off at their respective places I came back to the house and thought - "hmm, I better clean up the kitchen or it's going to drive me crazy" and I did that.  Then I made some coffee and sat down with the coffee and iPad in hand.   I downloaded a new app with an old familiar name to those who have been in my position before: "What Color is Your Parachute?".  I spent a good 30 minutes, just planning my day.  Oh...what? I needed to download a new task manager app? okay, done.   Then I started in on my "...Parachute" activities.   I actually think I'll find this quite useful ultimately as I always struggle with the question "what do you want to do?"

But, after about 30 minutes, the iPad needed charging.  So, another coffee in hand, I headed downstairs to the computer to do some searching.  But, every time I click on any link, there are always 10 other links waiting to be clicked too.  'oh.. what's this job?...oh, what's that job?... what is this company?.. where was that first listing again?...' and so on.  After about a half hour I thought that maybe the neighbor with the new baby would like a visit and sent a text.  Oh goody, she wanted me to come over at 11:30.

I submitted for one job and then headed over to the neighbor's house.   Got to hold a 6 week old baby for about 20 minutes - that was nice.  Back home. Lunch time.  Fixed myself lunch and turned on a TV show while I ate.   Finished lunch, but the show was still going, so I folded clothes until it ended.

Now, I'm back downstairs.  Submitted for a second job.  Oh.. what's this? Blogger is open?  Maybe I should write a new blog entry.

Okay, blog entry is done, I better go make some more coffee...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Being at home all day in front of a computer takes a bit of getting used to. But once you are used to it, an office setting is like a madhouse!

mingle said...

You got to hold a six week old baby? I'm jealous, and I'd say that's pretty productive as it's good for the soul.