Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My Four Things

I haven’t been "tagged", and I’m a little behind the curve when it comes to the topic “Favorite Four Things” but dammit – I love writing lists!! (Inspired by Yay Toast! and Anybody Want a Peanut?)

Four jobs I've had:

1. Project Manager
2. English Teacher (in Japan)
3. Bus Conductor
4. Receptionist at Athletic Club

Four movies I can watch over and over:

This is the category that kept me from making the “Four Things” list at first, because I don’t generally like watching movies over and over again. However…there are a few exceptions:
1. Speed
2. When Harry Met Sally
3. Clueless
4. Chicago

Four places I have lived:

1. Clayton, CA
2. Davis, CA
3. Bethesda, MD
4. Osaka, Japan

Four TV shows I love:

1. Lost
2. Desparate Housewives
3. Prison Break
4. Friends

Four places I've vacationed:

1. Hawaii
2. UK (England/Scotland/Wales)
3. Houseboat on Trinity Lake, CA
4. Vietnam

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Pizza from Zachary’s in Oakland
2. Paprika Prawns made by Mr. Mingle
3. “Peanut Butter Porkchops” (A Mingle original)
4. Favorite Pasta: Scallops and Shitake Mushrooms on Angel Hair

Four sites I (sometimes) visit daily:

1. Dooce
2. Yah Toast! (Which then links to many other friend sites)
3. Stuff on My Cat
4. Company Intranet (blah)

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. At home with Mr. Mingle and cats
2. In Portland
3. Having a beer at 21st Amendment in SF
4. Hanging out by the fireplace in a cabin in the snow

Four people I am tagging:

1. California Swiss Miss
2. Junkyard Princess
3. Flossie Fossie
4. Any other list-lover out there

1 comment:

Swiss Miss said...

Love your list!

And okay... it seems now of all the people tagged, I'm last to get my list out. So keep your eyes peeled, kids... it will coming your way soon!