Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A Big Day for the Mingles

When it comes to getting something new, Mr. Mingle and I take a long time to commit to a decision. We talked about getting a kitten (for Zimby of course) for two years, before we found Mini. During those two years, we looked at many kittens at the SPCA and other cat shelter groups, but just…couldn’t…quite…decide. Yet on the day we rode our bikes to a friend’s July 4th party last summer, and realized he was giving away two kittens, that’s when we got Mini. (And actually thought we could ride home with her in my backpack – but that’s another story).

We have been talking about getting a car now for at least 6 months, and although we are narrowing down the search, don’t expect news of a new vehicle any time soon. However, partially that’s due to the fact that we hate taking the time to actually car-shop. Oh, and what? It costs money? Huh….

Don’t even get me started on the apartment, which we’ve talked about moving out of for over a year. In this case we are waiting for our future situation to become clear so we move to a place that makes sense – as opposed to moving to a town that increases the commute.

Since we can’t move yet, we have talked about fixing up our apartment, AKA buying new furniture. We’ve looked at sofas here and there over the past year, but never too seriously. So, when we went to Macy’s yesterday to buy pillows, we thought we’d check out the furniture section while we were there. Taking into account the fact that we move as slow as molasses when purchasing anything, imagine our surprise when 15 minutes later we found a sofa set we loved, looked at each other, and said “should we? Should we really??” and purchased it.

Yep! Mr. Mingle and I are the new owners of a matching sofa, chair and ottoman. Well, we will be, once it’s delivered next month. I think this is the first major piece of furniture that I’ve bought that was neither purchased at a discount store, nor owned previously by a relative. And, shockingly, it is not putty-colored or neutral. It is “Merlot”. Go Big! Go Bold! Or something like that…

Needless to say, I am very, very excited to get our new furniture. When it arrives, I will sit down with my feet up and a glass of red wine in hand (since it’s the same color as the couch), and pray that Mini-who-hates-to-be-put-in-a-backpack doesn’t shred it to pieces.

1 comment:

Manoa Missy said...

Sometimes snap decisions are the best ones.... but sometimes not.

That's why I have a "Shakespear Sisters" cd in my collection.