Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Living with a Blind Man

Last Wednesday Mr. Mingle had eye surgery to correct his vision. He couldn’t get the more popular Lasex surgery “because his corneas are too thin”, so he had to get a less well-known surgery – PRK. I’ll save you from the details of what that means, but basically when all is said and done it meant a lot of pain for a few days, and a longer recovery time.

For the first couple of days, he couldn’t read, watch TV, use the computer, drive or exercise. So, that left sleeping, which he did like a champ. I really felt for him when his forehead would crinkle up in pain above the massive black glasses he was wearing.

For the next couple of days, he couldn’t read, see TV very well, use the computer very long, drive or exercise. So, that left sleeping and watching TV or using the computer for a short time until his eyes hurt. Oh, and playing with the cat. Fortunately, he could continue to play with Mini, who refuses to give Mr. Mingle a moment’s rest from “the bird”. Now, I started to feel bad because not only did his eyes hurt sometimes, but when they didn’t, then boredom would start up.

Over the weekend we watched the series Arrested Development, which we have on DVD (very, very funny by the way), which I think to him was like watching blobs with voices. If I felt there was some visual detail that he needed to know, then I’d vocalize it – “ha ha ha, you should see their facial expressions!” (So very helpful isn’t it?) We also went for a long walk and he closed his eyes the whole way home so I could guide him home like a true blind man. He only tripped once. He was able to clean and do basic stuff around the house, although I continued to do most of the cooking. I came home on Sunday to him looking sheepish in the kitchen – “I just broke something”, he said. The poor guy – he couldn’t see this clear dish that was already in the cabinet when he tried to put a salad bowl in the same place. (The clear dish lost.)

Yesterday he had a follow-up appointment that was positive because the Doctor said his eyes look on track to heal fine, but he still was not given the okay to drive. And his vision is still too bad to read a book. But he can use the computer, if the font size is set bigger, and of course, he couldn’t wait any longer, and went for a run yesterday.

I think this surgery had been a good test for the both of us. We are so used to being on the move, and doing things, and go, go, go…but when everything must stop – what does one do??

I have to admit though – I have taken advantage of this surgery in one small aspect… Mr. Mingle loves to read before he goes to sleep, but since he can’t right now I decided to read to him. And since he’s my captive audience – I get to choose the reading materials. Every night Mr. Mingle now goes to sleep after hearing me read from my stories of Japan. What can I say? It’s nice to have an audience.


Kid said...

Mr Mingle...I feel your pain bro. I get corneal abrasions quite frequently. Ouch!

Mr. & Mrs. Mingle...Arrested Development is indeed very very funny...too bad it's gone for good.

Mrs. Mingle...what's up with the fascination with Japan? Those bastards attacked Pearl Harbor you know. Just kidding. I love those little guys as much as the next. Maybe we can send Karin's little friend (wanna drive my car guy) over there and see what happens?

Mrs Mingle said...

Kid, it's like this - Until I can live in some other wacky place to get new material, I'm stuck with the same old stories. Hey, have you heard the one about how my plane crash landed in Thailand?? ... oh.

Kid said...

Wait...here's an idea...now it's not Japan but could be top 5 and it's right in your back yard: start spending quality time in downtown Oakland...you know meet some new people, make a few connections, etc. I recommend doing all this after 10pm and before 4am. All kind of crazy I tell ya.

Off to Disneyland with the girls in a few hours...can't wait to hear your Thailand story!