Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Lazy Hazy Blogging Day

I’ve been called out. Manoa Missy caught the fact that the blogging has slowed down considerably and asked, “Are you busier now at work?”. Yes – it’s true… Work has picked up, blogging has slowed down. It’s not necessarily due to lack of time – it’s due to the fact that I can only seem to think of things to write about when I’m bored out of my mind. When the brain is busy at work, it stops all together at other times.

This is not helped by the fact that last weekend I had one of the most laziest weekends in um...years. It was grand – truly grand. It was a three-day weekend, and I had only one Cabaret performance on Friday night – then I was home-free (or home-bound as you’ll see). Saturday was a “difficult” day of shopping with Mom, when we started the day with lunch, did 3 hours of shopping, then ended the day with coffee and a treat. Then it was off to meet the Mister at a local brewery for dinner, before we saw “Munich” in the theater.

Wait, stop there. Two things…did I just say that I went directly from having coffee and a snack with my mom to having dinner with my husband? Why yes – yes I did! I’m sure it was at least an hour before I digested something between the two events, so I was already hungry – not to worry. Secondly – Mingle’s Movie Review of Munich: I enjoyed the first 2.5 hours, but then I feel like they blew it. It’s as if they thought – “oh shoot, this movie is getting to be really, really long, we better wrap things up!” And so they did – as quickly and not-effectively as possible. But Spielberg certainly made sure you got his message in the very last scene. You’ll have to see it to know what I mean. It’s worth a rental, but if you have to choose – see Syriana.

OK – back to the weekend. Sunday – blessed Sunday. I got up around 10:00, and wasted time doing something that I can’t remember while Mr. Mingle cooked breakfast. Then he was off to work for the day. I however, sat on the couch and read. For 3 hours. It got to the point where it really wasn’t worth getting up until I finished my book. (Title is not worth mentioning - needless to say it was an easy, mind-numbing read which I thoroughly enjoyed). I did some other non-active stuff around the house, and then at 4:00 or so decided that it would be best to change out of my robe before meeting my friend for coffee in Berkeley. That night ended with dinner at home and another movie – this time “City of God”. (Mingle Movie Review: Excellent movie but heavy topic. Based on true events in the slums outside of Rio de Janeiro)

On Monday I actually did things since Mr. Mingle and I had to run a few errands, but we still didn’t leave the house until 1:30, and I was back by 5:30. In time to do a couple of chores (to feel useful) and then sit down for the Golden Globes. My vote for best acceptance speech goes to Steve Carrell (Best Actor in a Comedy Series “Office”).

So, not only do I stop blogging because I’m no longer bored at work, but when I do blog, I talk about the most inane weekend I’ve had in a long time. I could have told you about the recent trip to LA with JP, her hubby, and the band, or about spending New Year’s in Hollywood, but really. This is lazy at it’s best.

1 comment:

Manoa Missy said...

You did a lot of productive, social, entertainment and self-care geared things, which are JUST as ligitimate and necessary as the productive, boring and busy-work type things...maybe I say that to justify/defend my own rather, ahem, "restful" weekend activities.

But I still think it's true :)

You go on with your book-readin', coffee-slurpin', sleepin' 'til ten self!