Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Job Hunting Roller Coaster

Roller coasters have such steep climbs and then at the top you think “I got this!!” when you are plunged down again to start all over.  There is anticipation of the ride to come and then the stomach drops along with the free fall.  This is how I feel about my job hunting.  So far, I’ve had a few positive bites and I leave every phone call thinking “I’ve got a real chance!” 

The people I’ve talked to make me feel good about my background and potential, and they say that the next steps are to get in the door to interview face to face.  I’ve now been told a few times – ‘so and so’ will be in touch to set up the interview.  But so far, I have not heard back from ‘so and so’.   This person ‘so and so’ works at three different companies and they must be pretty busy.   Today I had a call with a recruiter who works directly with a company that I’m very interested in.  I was excited for the call but when we spoke I immediately became aware that I didn’t have the background they were looking for with regard to the particular position I applied for.  However, this recruiter was nice and explained when their fiscal year ends, and when they often see more jobs open up and asked that I get back in touch in a month.  Which I will.

Meanwhile today I’ve spent the morning on LinkedIn, and it is far too easy to get lost down that rabbit hole.  From one job posting page, you not only see that job posting, but also all the ways you are ‘connected’ (or not) to the company, as well as many links to other jobs for which you ‘may’ be qualified for.   According to LinkedIn, I am not qualified for anything, since every single job posting that I look at has this information sitting at the top:

Seriously LinkedIn, why should I even bother?  Per your algorithms, my profile is poorly written and therefore does not match EXACTLY to every single posting.  But no, I will not fall for that, and I will keep trying.  I just applied to three jobs via their site, even though I ‘wouldn’t be in the Top 50% of applicants...’  TAKE THAT LINKEDIN. 

Now, off to check the other job sites, but it’s all the same – link after link after link… what was it I was doing again? When can I get off this ride?

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