Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A New Beginning

Last Thursday I started my new job at BS and so far so good. I guess. It's been kind of a slow start, but so far everyone I have met is really nice, and they work hard, so that's something new. They are kind of slow to give me a cube, a computer, direction... but I still have hope. My first day of work really felt like the first day at a brand new school. I was waiting at the bus stop with my banana, granola bar and water, wondering if the "kids" would be nice to me once I started. Mr. Mingle even sent me a text message asking if I remembered my Trapper Keepers and I had a moment of panic when I realized I didn't. Where would I keep all of my stuff??

Little did I know that this would become more of an issue as it became clear that I didn't yet have a cubicle and therefore nowhere to keep my stuff. I started to panic, but then be patient, afterall - I didn't get moved into my last cube at FT until at least a month after working for the new department (hence the reason this blog ever started in the first place!). Speaking of blogging, I also don't have a permanent laptop assigned to me so I don't yet feel confident blogging from work (although I was pleased to discover that the loaner laptop does have Spider Solitaire). So, to make up for it, I've been taking notes as I ride to and from work - just so I don't miss anything that I find amusing during the day.

And now, as I sit at home about to type my first blog since starting at BS - I realize I have left my trusty notebook at work, in the temporary cube next to the loaner laptop and can only think: - dear god - i hope no one reads it.

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